or to raise the limit from 13000 upwards…
Sort your bookmarks into folders. From there, you can right click on the folder to open a separate window with the bookmarks in it. This may help a little with the lag.
With regards to the Signature ID by default in the name of the bookmark, what about this:
You add the ID to the tooltip in People & Places to see it easily (not as easy as in the name, but still). In addition, you put the ID in the notes of the bookmark, the notes are already displayed below the bookmark title in space, so you see which bookmark is which ID.
This way, you still have the ID easily readable available but the title is free for whatever default text bits you use. Like me, I use WH WS C3+ for instance for certain WH types. With the Signature ID in front of this default text bit, it becomes harder to get this done quickly because every ID generates a unique predefined text. What do you think?
Kudos, by the way, to the dev who made notes appear below bookmark titles in space.
Show as in “show in detailed solar system view”? If so, this is horrible.
Just show the name, but we might not need this with the added breadcrumb.
Is the devblog up yet?
Good, good.
I don’t like this at all. My entire map is covered with a opaque layer of bookmarks and I don’t see anything on it. Please make bookmarks behave like in the old map: Only show them in solar system view/zoom level or only if explicitly selected to show.
Whatever you did to the map, it suddenly works much better. Thanks.
Yes it helps. It also helps to not have any bookmark tab open while doing a session change. I know it has to do with Bookmarks being Objects who need to be reloaded when changing locations. I don’t know the details of the implementation but it seems that from all “active” bookmarks their entire set of values is being reloaded on every session change (active as in: bookmarks in an opened bookmarks tab or folder). Maybe some form of abstraction layer might ease the pressure.
Not yet.
Will take a look.
oh please do
The beta map is still unusuable for me as long as the solar systems pops out at all. Suddenly, other systems are within the system, because it gets to big and the lines get overly confusing when going from gate to system, not system to system (this needs atleast an option, imho)
hoooo mannnn
Thank you! <3
(Now please also fix Data Sites !!! Finding one always results in “Boo, why couldn’t it be a relic” for me. I really can’t understand why the loot is that bad. If you concern that exploration generations too much ISK then lower the relic rewards. It just feels bad to find all those many data sites but its just not worth to run them.
There needs to be a flat, simplified style like Dotlan. Personally i don’t need 3D maps. It might look fancy but adds nothing of value for me.
The good thing is that Exploration generates no ISK at all, they only generate items that can be traded for existing ISK.
There are also easy ways to make Data Sites more valuable by adding Pirate construction components to pirate ship/module BPCs and have the Data sites drop them. You could even use the already dropping components for this that used to be used for building the interfaces. This makes data sites more valuable, pirate ships more expensive, which is apparently something desirable, without much balance required. This has been suggested before and CCP knows about it because they read the topic on data site rebalance from many months ago.
As for the Dotlan-like map. For stats Dotlan is unbeatable (unless CCP kills off more Data collection endpoints), however, for situational awareness it’s not useful. The actual shape of regions is oftentimes greatly distorted to fit into the map square. Just look at something like Deklein, which is a long hose and not a spiraled up snake. Instead of the solar system view, CCP could, however, make dotlan-like bubbles show up with the desired information better visible in them in a flattened view. That would help a lot already.
That relics are valuable, or better some relics, only comes from the T2 salvage they drop, in particular the intact armor plates. Else they would be as crap as data sites.
I think the best way to fix the problem is to get rid of the two types and merge them into one type. The mechanic is anyway the same.
There are two flavors, have a mix of relic and data cans in one site, or merge the loot table of data sites into the relic cans and remove data hacking altogether.
its not fancy looking only. when using a jump drive, the actual position of the systems is important, because you jump in lightyears, not gates.
We are working on some filtering options just now, should hopefully be on Singularity soon.