Character name reasons

Newer players - I’m interested in why you named your character as you did. Did you consider it carefully or didn’t care much and randomly generated it? Does it mean something to you or is perhaps an “inside joke”? What is the backstory for your Character name choice or is there one?

In about a week I’ll give 50 million isk to the response I find most interesting, 30 million to second, 20 to third.

Kind of intended for newer players, but I am aware Malcanis’ Law is a thing.


I don’t want isk for this. I want to work for my money, but thank you anyway.

I chose Emira Sultana because:
Emir is a warrior-prince in my culture and I think PvP is for those who have the soul of a warriors. Emira is feminine for Emir.
Sultana is a female Sultan. A sultan is higher than a Emir, often being the Emir’s father. I chose Sultana because there is no one to order me around here in my home so just as a man is King of his castle, I’m queen of my palace, I’m the Sultana here and my son laughs when I remind him of that but he still has to do what I tell him.


IRL, I’m a birdwatcher - have been for over 40 years. My character’s name - very loosely - means birdwatcher in Japanese. Plans for my alts, should I ever create them are to use some of the other languages I attempt to mangle - German & French - in a similar way.

All my ships are named using the scientific names for birds - it’s the main reason I chose to go Caldari; many of their ships are bird names already.

So if you know your birds, then either their name reflects a species of bird that the ship’s common name is (eg: Egretta, Bubulcus, Ardea for various fitouts of Herons, Tadorna for the Drake) or what its role is (I spent a couple of months harvesting abandoned drones in Tamo and Fliet, so the Heron I used for that is called Merops, the Bee-eater; my shuttle is called Hirundapus - a genus of swifts). Ships mostly for fighting or hunting I’ve named after birds of prey (Hiraeetus, Aquila, Ninox) or after birds with reputations as nest robbers (Strepera, Cracticus). And my Ventures are named after the eponymous miners (Manorina) and mynahs (Acridotheres).


Mine is one my real life nicknames.

Back in my addiction, I could go a while without cutting my hair or trimming my beard. So I could start to look like a real scumbag (people tend to find pictures of me from this time quite amusing, but I’m a private individual, so I won’t share :frowning: ).

Anyway, one day, a few friends and I went to the beach. I didn’t plan on swimming, so I wore jeans and a t-shirt. At one point they decided to use a rather large piece of driftwood as a makeshift raft to see if they could paddle out to an island. However, they were having trouble getting it out past the waves. Eventually, I kicked off my boots and went to help. We struggled with it for a while, and I ripped my shirt at some point, but we eventually gave up, and went back to shore. As I emerged from the ocean, soaking wet, with unkempt hair and ripped shirt, I noticed an old couple watching us. So, I went up to them and said in my best pirate voice, “do you have any vitamin C, I think I have the scurvy, arghhhhhhhhh.”

So, that’s how I got my nickname. And I’d make all sorts of shiwpreck puns, like “LET’S GET SHIPWRECKED WOOOOOOO!” And, “you better check yourself, before I shipwreck yourself.”

Well… actually it was just those two.

100 mil sent. Add it to the prize pool.

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waste of time.

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According to the below linked sources literally means “the love” or simply “love” and is a french nickname type of surname. His father altered the spelling (I assume to be more fitting for English speakers?) to LaMoore which is the original name he was born with but later he changed the spelling back to the original french one.

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waste of time.

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J’ai lu quelques uns de ses livres. Il est un très bon auteur.
English is also a second language for me. But I’m not French, lol. French is my third language.

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I used my real life middle name and a randomly generated surname.

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My char name is a homage to a famous immortal pirate in my childhoods favorite German sci-fi novel series. The series still exists, but Tipa is long dead there, so I keep her memory alive in New Eden.

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I’ve created some Chars who start with “Pi” - guess why :wink:

There’s some, and one is Pierre. OK, French first name, let’s find a nice surname… Decades ago, there was a mini series “The Thorn Birds”, and I don’t know why I never forgot that name (but anything else what happened there). It sounds very distinguished, and it’s not too usual.
I still like that pick.


Solo. Because i like being alone.

Ni, or Knee, because i took an arrow to the knee once.

Us, because together, we can make babies.

Then Rex, because people may laugh at a T-rexs puny little arms, but then they see his huge jaw.

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I asked my dad for name ideas during character creation and he suggested “Darth Trump” which was taken, but “Dark Lord Trump” was available. This was around the 2016 presidential election primaries.

If I win anything donate it to some other deserving new player, they can use it more than me.

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Stuck up much?

Ignore Natocha. Not sure what crawled up her butt.

And welcome to eve.


Thank you, sir.

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Looks like a nasty bug :bug:

am I allowed to answer this?

I used my irl name and middle name, I use it on stage so I figured the persona would translate well

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