🔴 Clear Vision contest

Those damn One-Percenters! They even have internet! Damn them!

I mean, PR means they kind of have to use external solutions for these sorts of things, anyone reading these forums is already part of the fold, its hard to attract new players using pretty screenshots here, hence the need to do it on external social media sites in order to appeal to a wider audience, pretty simple and it also helps feed them by bringing in new paying customers :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is going to backfire horribly

That’s fine, I understand the purpose of PR. But that doesn’t mean that we should have to use social media for them. Have the contest on the forums, and then feature the winning entries on their whatever pages.

Also, asking players to use their real identities when posting about a game in which I wouldn’t put it past some fedora-wearing, katana-swinging wacko showing up at your house after losing a barge in a gank, is just dumb.


Well, I got my entry for the contest.

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That reminds me of screenshots from Elite Dangerous, all it had was stars and no content.

:red_circle: Maybe so but I feel a tremendous sensation of awe when I see these kinds of object constellations. But since this screenshot doesn’t count anyway, I can post more later. :smiley:


Seems kind of pointless. Only the people with the best setups will be able to take the best quality images. The same people who essentially wont need another graphics card.

I guess they can sell the prize on ebay? lol

Rich people hold contest for self awards, sounds like the Oscars.

It’d be great if people with low end setups could quit bitching about quality and resolution. Composition is a thing. Do the composition thing. You may be being judged by your peers, but ultimately, you aren’t.

how does one compose when ones behind is being splattered all over the monitor at the nearest null/highsec gate bubble camp?

Sounds like a boring picture anyway

I wouldn’t know; all I heard was “Bing!” and a notification then the station dock

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I mean they “could” or they could have literally every entry end up on social media massively increasing the chances of people seeing them and being attracted to EVE, i mean, rocket science it is not

You’re free to create a throwaway acocunt if you don’t want people knowing your name, but unless you’re some super high up important person i don’t think most people are going to care who you are IRL :stuck_out_tongue:

or, they could just use these forums then publish the winner on their Twitter

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And they could, but that means missing out on literal free PR, i mean you’re asking them to potentially throw away free money just because you don’t want to use it

Well, they could find a way to do both

They “could” but why would they double their work just to make you happy?

At the end of the day the people upset by this are a minority and its not really worth it for them to double the work involved just to get a handful more entries

Do as you wish, participation is optional.

Indeed it is, you’re free not to participate if you wish :slight_smile:

I’m not participating because i just don’t care about something i won’t win :stuck_out_tongue:

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