I disagree. I think CCP should just remove PvP from the game entirely. And I don’t mean add a flag or replace it with more arenas, but just carve that whole game mechanic away from the game entirely.
Make EVE the game it was always meant to be.
I disagree. I think CCP should just remove PvP from the game entirely. And I don’t mean add a flag or replace it with more arenas, but just carve that whole game mechanic away from the game entirely.
Make EVE the game it was always meant to be.
Bots in space.
I don’t think botting would exist any more. The whole reason behind botting is to either gain a competitive advantage, or to be able to sell ISK on the RMT market to people trying to acquire a competitive advantage.
Without PvP, there would be no competition. ISK would become meaningless, and the economy would devolve into a barter system based on the rarest items (e.g. officer gear). Everyone would otherwise get along, and share items freely. It would be a nice little world in which players help other players get into titans, everyone has a private keepstar, etc. Lots of people would play. The turnover would be high, but there would always be six-digit figures online.
CCP could have the success of game “experiences” such as Terraria, Stardew Valley, and creative mode Minecraft just by toggling a single server variable. They could literally go in there right now, change one line of code, and tomorrow the active player population would start going up.
LOL this is ■■■■■■■ gold.
CCP would need to bring back captain’s quarters for this to work.
I mean I made 10bil on EvE poker back in the day. Maybe we could just decide wars over a game of poker? Honestly it’d be better content then TIDI/crashes.
There are no wars in Eve. Everybody is immortal.
Well, there were wars… Now it’s just bored whales throwing isk at each other…
Somebody needs to make a gif for this.
I don’t care? You’re basically threatening people with not getting money that most of the people ITT wouldn’t be getting anyway.
Every cloaky AFK camper stopping someone from fauceting ISK into the game is doing a public service for the economy. A cloaky camper in every system! And a 100 bombers waiting on the other side of each one!
The Devs are pro PvP AND pro risk aversity, which is why so many nullbears are pissing in their porridge right now.
They trigger safe up scripts.
Eventually human players will come out of safe.
They will take their chances you aren’t a cyno popper. Or if like me I’d actually e-stalk them. PLayer x afk cloaked who has never km’d ho’d in recent times? Yeah…good chance afk.
Since most pvp crews use killboards as a participation tool. YOU want to be on KM"s for the monthy reviews of a member participation. Even a cheesy hitting a target with paint to get on a KM got you that check in the box. Bait ships brick fit do crap damage. their guns are for one thing. Get on the KM lol.
AFK cloaky who hasn’t had a kill in months and those kills are not indicative of hot drop kills in any way…I’d take my chances and rat away.
It could take hours for drone land botters in the old day to work up the motivation to send people out to deal with you. As a non cloaky. You wanted to bait the fights lol. Here I am. scan me. Hell I will tell the planet moon we are on lol.
You shut down the scripts for 15 minutes they don’t care. YOU have stopped the “operation” for a few hours? Then they cared lol.
CCP didn’t code ESS and hope for real brawl fights that create real engaging content so that you can deny entire regions for your lazy afk pvp.
Reformulate, they are pro arena, and “fair” PvP, and anti-sandbox.
Which you can see proof by their desperate attempts to ban creative activities against arena players, and their micro-management of events/features, making sure the solution space is as narrow as possible and chance of unexpected sandbox intervention is minimized.
Using things in EvE like envisioned by CCP was and is boring. EvE’s value proposition is (was?) the combination of tools to get something new, fun for the knowledgeable player. Devs need to stop perceiving that as a threat to their work, and actively strive for that.
If CCP bring in an an anti cloak mechanic without bringing in an anti local Intel mechanic then this game is done.
No way CCP would go douchier on AFK cloaking. After literally 12 years of being a top 3 player complaint… If anything it will be a way for AFK cloakers (probably you eWeen) to be found and eliminated.
This would be a really good way of balancing the removal of afk cloakers. Removing AFK cloaks keeps people in space, short local immunity and maybe covops probes allows bot farming.
changes so far are automatic self destruct of ship if no key input in 2 minutes
also cloak will no longer be able to auto cycle and must be manually pressed for every cycle to eliminate AFK
I can’t wait either. I’m so sick of entire systems with garbage people sitting in them cloaked up 24/7. I can’t believe it had taken them so long
There is zero proof any botting exists in game.
I am so sick of the unlimited intel of local and entire systems filled with bots that dock up when I appear in local before the system even loads up for me. I can’t believe they pandered to the whining botters and reversed blackout.