Cloak changes

There is ZERO, let me say that again ZERO proof of any botting going on.

Just wild accusations without proof from angry players who cant get easy kills.




Thanks for that.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Just because there isn’t enough evidence for the cops (or they are looking the other way) doesn’t mean the crime didn’t happen.

All AFK doings should be nerfed, like Mining and Ratting and there is already some moves, who do job, like Orcas wont mine with drones anymore good and so on…
Then why cry about nerf for AFK cloak campers? No AFK, want camp do it NO AFK like we ratt/mine no afk.



since this is a PVP ONLY game and new devs want to return to roots that would be fine. No ratting, no mining, no industry all great changes so we can focus on pvp and team pvp and use plex to buy ship from NPC.

solves many problem and makes EVE great again not for the industry people that ruins it and AFK not a problem then.

you can just ask the economist on staff.

There are plenty of idiots that still ignore Intel and sit mining away that you can catch to blow up. And if you think a ship sitting cloaked in a system for weeks on end with absolutely no counter play is good gameplay design you’re just as stupid as those few pilots you might catch.

That’s exactly what a bot would say.

And being able to escape 100% of the time because of advance warning is good gameplay?

I bet you $4,000 trillion they can be even more stupid and still make more money.

This is the way.

Works nice in wormholes. The cloaked hunter gets nice surprises there.

Awww look a the solo hauler all alone. Ima jump em!

5+ covert fit t3c break cloak. the would be mugger gets mugged instead.

What I never got is why this works. A lone hauler. Cleaning out wrecks. Do people not ask themselves so…who killed all those sleepers? And where are they now? I mean badger will always ahve a place in my heart. But It is not a ship that takes on several sleepers solo and lives lol. And it sure as hell didn’t kill the sleepers its looting.

Some people like to live dangerously and take the unknown risk. Maybe they’ll get away with it, maybe not. :woman_shrugging:
I never let a neutral (or orange) in local stop me … I just took some extra precautions and resigned myself to the loss ahead of time.

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It’s not good game design but since local is there (free unlimited intel that you don’t have to do anything to get) and you show up in local before you even load the system on your client we are stuck where we are (even worse game design than AFK cloaking). The reason you have to AFK cloak is a long grueling way to counter local. The longer you are there they don’t know if you are active or not. There are plenty of counters to “AFK cloakers” already in the game that don’t require any nerf to cloaking but the lazy whiners like you are unable to use your two brain cells to do anything but press the “on” button to your bot.

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Anybody remember the player named “AFK Cloaker” who would come into threads like this and just say “…” ?
I remember. :slight_smile:


There is Zero Proof that politicians steal and lie.

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Yep, none:


You work hard for character. Used RL money and spent a lot time training it but you are not allowed to sell it RL.? Lets just bot. CCP hypocrisy is that their chairman is an Investment Banker not a game developer.

■■■■■■■■. We are playing a game. If you want to work hard, go work hard, but BS that playing a game is hard work is stupid.

You purchased a produce/service from CCP and they fulfilled their end of the requirement. You want to be able to benefit financially off CCP’s property?

That’s even dumber than claiming you work hard when playing a game.

Good argument. Its just too bad its just a hassle to go to the court in iceland to question CCPs EULA.