You get what you pay for. It matters not one bit to the sov holder if you can use the space after you pay for it. That’s your problem.
We have renters. It’s a good source of isk. Would I ever be a renter though? Not a chance. All they do is bubblefuck gates, blueball, and farm isk with impunity. And they’re invariably the ones complaining are renters that somehow feel entitled to use the space they rent from the sov holder, as though it’s actually their space now.
I’m sure it’s been said, but I don’t feel like reading at the moment.
Rat in force. It’s not isk efficient, but nobody’s gonna blops drop a combat fleet.
Have logistics. Their goal is to blap and run. Unless they can volley you, logi breaks that 100%. They won’t even try if you have a few active logi pilots.
That VNI that’s out running sites… make sure it has a cyno, scram, and instead of DDAs give it a hull tank. Unless he scans your VNI first, he won’t realize until the cyno and scram go up that he’s about to get ■■■■■■ in the ass. When the cyno comes in, drop at least 4 carriers on him with faxes. Carriers should have a siren and two attack fighters loaded. Spread tackle, kill everything.
Its my opinion if you are renting sov and the person you want to rent from says you cant leave that sytem, then you should find a different person to rent from.
Well, if you decide to rent, you can make that choice for yourself. But the people who are renting the system you move into, well, they’re not gonna be so happy with you being there.
Which leads to you getting evicted by the powerbloc that holds the sov, so that a more respectful renter can be installed.
You would be wrong. It’s not that there’s a long line of renters, it’s that the space literally costs them nothing to own. They don’t give two fucks if you take your business elsewhere, because that just means they get to shoot you when they roam in someone else’s sov. They either get your isk, or you’ll eventually wind up feeding to them later.
Of course… if you do rent from them, it’s their competition you’re feeding.
Consider, for example, that even with renter space largely empty, the price is still billions per month, and renters will still pay billions per month.
If you are determined to do an activity there will always be someone who will treat you a little better than the others. That is the bar I would shoot for.
Oh absolutely. You should always go for the best you can get. Just the same… the bar for renters is pretty low and there’ll never be a point that I can see where renters will be treated better than mild contempt.
Basically cloaky camping is paid by other alliances which want to disrupt your income or your renter’s income. It’s well known, some big coalitions have their own corps with cloaky campers, some pay mercenaries to do the job.
I had this in Querious few months back before the faction citadel change when PL/Horde tried to attack goons so everyday at 6pm eve time the campers will login in ALL systems with activity (dotlan best intel). They would randomly kill VNIs, MTUs and haulers but they’d drop a fleet of BSes and a Marshal on juicy targets.
Reason: goons have their moons in those systems and they wanted to disrupt some resistance from us (no ratting no isk for pvp ships) and also make a hard time for them mining goo.
So what we did, we started baiting him with carrier ratting, dreads logged off, cyno ready and stuff like that. We managed to kill some of his stuff but sadly not the Marshal. After the faction citadel change they left.
You might wanna check who is the enemy of your renter alliance, 99% of the time it’s nothing personal to your corp. I believe you are in GOTG space