I used to think "hey .4 is only one tenth less, that’s not much, right? Can’t be that much different?
You want to redefine highsec into 100% safety and make low significantly safer by adding CONCORD gatecamps. I am against both. It’s anti-PVP, anti-content, and anti-EVE.
Miners are players too.
More likely you just lost every perspective and take a computer game too serious. Think about it
Suicide ganking is the only risk someone has in highsec. It’s a pretty small risk, easy to avoid. But it is enough to not make AFK freighting and shuttling around with the auto pilot a no-brainer.
If there was no suicide ganking, there would be no incentive to not AFK your max cargo fitted freighter around. Arbitrage trading between tradehubs would seize to exist as you can just move everything around, no matter the value, with zero effort. Or even worse, tradehubs other than Jita would seize to exist, as everyone can just autopilot to Jita without a second thought, because it’s 100% save. No opportunity left for a clever hauler pilot that plans a route around the gank spots or scouts ahead to make a lot of money because there is price differences between tradehubs.
There would be no other valid mining setup other than the max blinged Hulk with Orca support. Why would you want to tank your ship? If there is no possibility to get ganked, the only smart thing to do is to max yield fit your setup without considerations for tank. No more trade-offs. No opportunity for vigilant miners that pay attention and take the risk for a higher yield compared to someone who just chills in a suicide gank proved Skiff or Procurer and takes the yield loss as a trade-off for not being a gank target.
Those are two examples. There are today ways how to play in Highsec without ever risk to getting ganked, it’s not complicated, just ask if you don’t know how. As a result of this “inconvenience” a whole world of opportunity arises by people who want to take a risk and make a profit. All because of the possibility that they could be ganked, even if the risk is absolutely minimal, that is already enough.
CCP is pretty straight with saying that even Highsec doesn’t make you immune from attack. It’s like pretty much everywhere if you care to inform yourself about the rules of the game. And if you don’t care about how a game is played and you lose something that really shouldn’t be surprising, that’s pretty much the case in every game ever.
And no, it’s PvP, as in player vs. player and that is part of the game. It has nothing to do with “abuse”, it’s a computer game, get some perspective man.
Some aspects of this game are absolute crap. Like the whole PvE aspect is absolute trash gameplay in my opinion. You can probably train an animal to mine for you. However, the PvP and overall player driven sandbox with it’s emerging conflicts and gameplay is absolutely unique and one of the best things I have experienced in gaming so far.
Sad you can’t appreciate that, maybe it’s just not the game for you. That’s not such a tragedy, I’m sure there are other games out there that are more in line with what you enjoy of a game. I find it quite strange pretty narcissistic however that you would try to advocate for fundamental changes on a game that has been this way since almost two decades and is enjoyed by many for what it is, just because you don’t agree with some fundamental core aspects of the game.
I think I like you. Would gladly one day play some round of EVE with you and see you fail to prevent a gank
@Renly_Rohan Look I don’t blame you for your position on all this. After all with you being completely ineffective at stopping ganks in game maybe I too would flee to the forums to forum warrior. It’s clear you lack the capacity to adapt and overcome so instead you’d rather see the game changed.
It’s just a shame you have to look so silly to the rest of us that understand what Eve Online is as a game.
The decision to quit the game is the best for some people. those who are seeing the game as it is and dont want to play on terms the game is set on.
If you dont like the rules, you dont play, simple.
Ask Kusion and HSG about us not failing , we can’t guarantee we will fail these days , not that facts matter to most gankers .
Really it works well for us we started out failing and are working our way up the ladder, why gankers started at the top and we are pulling them down , hard to admit i guess.
But it is… compared to low sec… which in the absence of a definition of the term is all it means…
You have to check the definition of the term to see the actual meaning in relation to game mechanics. Any assumptions you make other than it being safer than “low sec” without checking the definition are going to be your own fault if they happen to be wrong…
It certainly does not mean safe, nor does it have to, which is what you seem to be saying it should mean…
But ganking is PvP, by definition of the term “PvP”…
PvP is merely an acronym for player vs. player, to differentiate it from PvE, where the player interacts with an AI environment, not with other players.
The term has no other implications. It amazes me when someone pretends it’s not PvP because it’s not “fair”, or “consensual”, or happens “too fast”, or whatever. Those qualifications have no bearing on whether it’s PvP or not…
Suicide ganking is not only important but critical to the EvE economy, and not just because of the destruction it causes, but because of the implications of the risk it creates, but @Karak_Terrel has already explained this very well in a previous post.
I’m not sure I understand this. Can you give some example of IRL lying other than calling high sec that way? Because if it’s just that, this seems to me a case of some players making wrong assumptions about the meaning of the term “high sec”, rather than anyone lying about the nature of the game…
No, he “adapted” to the reality of the game not meeting his wrong assumptions and expectations…
Quitting the game could very well be the right thing for him to do. EvE is not for everyone and it makes no sense to play a game you don’t like once you’ve figured what it is about. But, as far as I can see, not having figured what it is about until now was his own fault, not anyone lying to him…
People make all kinds of wrong assumptions and mistakes IRL in general and when getting married in particular too. One doesn’t have to have been lied to one day want to divorce because they realise they made wrong assumptions and didn’t know the other person well enough. You can blame the other person for his/her faults, but you can often only blame yourself for not having realised that earlier and having married someone you wouldn’t if you had known him/her better…
No, “fixing” labels isn’t taking things too far. I don’t see a problem with it being called “high sec”, but wouldn’t mind changing that to something else that some players would find clearer either.
What’s taking things too far is calling that a scam, or pretending that mechanics should be changed so the safety of “high sec” meets someone’s wrong assumptions and expectations, etc.
ROFL. The only reason you may claim you didn’t do that is because you suggested to make low sec safer too by moving the current high sec mechanics there…
This is what you suggested:
You did suggest suicide ganking be completely removed from the current high sec and then low sec be made safer so suicide ganking may happen there instead…
Except the price of the ore he mines would be affected by other players that would now have huge amounts of space to mine in complete safety…
Shoot a loot drop.
Then warp to an FOB in a T1 cruiser.
Then try a level 3 combat mission in a T1 frigate.
Then warp to a trig worm hole in a T1 battleship
Then steal some pilot’s anomaly loot in an industrial.
Then set up a structure alone and war decc Pandemic Horde.
I could go on. There is plenty of risk in high sec and risky activities to do. And there is plenty of room in the EVE universe for all sorts of changes and play styles.
Look man. Changes beget changes. An actual swath of high security space with no ganking could be set up to be extremely unprofitable, thus pushing players in medium security. Honestly, I don’t even understand why its so profitable to mine in current high sec. If I had my way It would not be and neither would be hauling.
When I started this game I just enjoyed hauling for next to no profit, just doing the math and setting up runs. While its true I only got ganked when I stepped into low sec, its also true that people get ganked in high sec despite equally worthless cargo.
That’s like advertising delicious pizza delivery only to knock on the door later and say that maybe the pizza is poison. If its not high security DON’T call it high security. OR make it high security. Simple.
Agreed. It seems to me to be just a hook to bring in cannon fodder for PVPers. But, I can’t see how improvement to PVE in an actual high security area would hurt this game. It could just mean more players, some you can gank, and some you just can’t cause they never leave high sec. But more is still more.
You say I want to “change the game” but I say I want to “add to it” and inject consistency and accuracy of terms to make the game more accessible. You guys keep talking like I want to end all suicide ganking. I don’t know why folks have this mental block but its persistent.
As others have explained already, you’re wrong. It’s perfectly possible to do that without using an external tool, maybe taking more than 2 secs, but it doesn’t make a difference to the outcome if it’s 2 or 5 secs.
You’re missing some ways in which the game itself facilitates to do that. In particular, the ganker may pre-activate the mods in each of the accounts, then all he has to do is move each of the clients to the foreground and single click the target in rapid succession. Having the mods pre-activated will then cause the client to automatically start acquiring a lock on the target and then the mods activated on it while he keeps iterating over the other accounts.
Now, you might say the game shouldn’t make this level of massive multiboxing so easy, and that is debatable…
I do find it ugly, it “doesn’t feel right”, but this is not a ganking issue. It doesn’t feel right when mining or doing other things that make massive multiboxing easy too.
In the end, it’s a matter of whether CCP makes more money thanks to that or not. It sure drives some players away because they may feel at a disadvantage they cannot compete with, but on the other hand each of those accounts make money for CCP too, just like an individual player would. I have absolutely no idea which of those effects is greater, but I guess CCP would do something to limit multiboxing if they thought it’s detrimental for their income overall, so…
That’s just it…it does not even need the extra step of having a definition (which in this case is falsely derived from real life). It has a clear meaning and even a number so it should just be called those. The meaning is “Concord Response Time” and could be called that, CRT. CRT 6 (6 second response time) would be current 1.0 and 0.9. CRT 19 would be 0.5 space. Further differentiation could be ACRS (Active Concord Response Space) along with Passive and No Concord Response, Low sec and null. Those would be clear. What we have now is a need to read up on a contrived definition for a video game, rather than just a clear term from the start.
Even in an embassy you could wind up like Jamal Khashoggi sure. But its pretty darn unlikely because essentially they are about as safe a place as a person could be in, and that is what people think of when they hear the words “high security” (unless they are thinking of prisons!"
In an overly strict and technical sense, yes. But if you invited a friend over and suggested some player versus player games where you always made sure your friend had massive handicaps, he would feel angry and misled. Its like if you suggest a game of chess but he gets no queen and no rooks. Technically its a game. Most people will call it garbage.
Some of these confusing and misused terms may have begun accidental, but not fixing despite complaints makes them so irresponsible I feel okay saying its a lie:
Specialized use of the terms outlaw (sem-permanent) and criminal (temporary)
Suspect (just plain false)
Autotarget missiles
Smart bombs
Exploration (more like treasure hunting)
All the made up ores and materials are just unnecessary fluff
Calling bugs features
Seriously I could probably go on for hours about how screwed up this game is with terms. For those who just patiently memorize information without questioning, it may not be such an issue. But I think none of this is helping EVE. (could be wrong).
Fair enough, but this is part of my point. Those wrong assumptions and expectations are not all random. Some seem quite intentionally promoted.
Sure. There are lots of combinations. I only suggest doing something about the things that CCP can surely fix on its end.
This is what I like about you KM. You don’t need to totally agree to just be reasonable.
You seem to have misunderstood. I will start fresh. I suggest adding a new area of space in addition to the others. This new category would push all the others outward. It would be safe from pirates, outlaws, gankers etc. It would essentially be an industrial, manufactoring and trading area. I further suggested that gates be protected the same on both sides, but once you leave the gate, its all as normal.
As per my post above, I would make mining pretty crap in my version of high sec. The idea would be that they are basically mined out and now has only really low yield rocks. You could do it to your heart’s content but you would need to mine all day just to get a venture.
I might even cap ore prices in my version of high sec. You would need to go sell in medium sec for better profits.
But hey, this is all just musing.
And a bit more about honesty. Does this read honest to you?
EVE Online is a community-driven spaceship MMORPG where players can play free, choosing their own path from countless options.
Experience space exploration, immense PvP and PvE battles and a thriving player economy in an ever-expanding sandbox.
Participate in many in-game professions and activities, including war, politics, piracy, trading, and exploration, across 7,000 star systems with hundreds of thousands of other players.
They are frighter gankes right? I don’t see what is challenging to go after someone who basically does the same thing over and over in the same spot. I’m a miner ganker, you might find catching me a bit more challenging.
The counter play would be to not be a wallet warrior when you don’t know what you are doing.
Yes it is hard
Yeah obviously, and only because I wasn’t precise enough. What I meant with “the only risk someone has in highsec” was when doing anything, like mining, hauling, ratting, just lurking around, not the risk you actively seek out presented by some NPC or things you can completely evade like wars. I mean risks you always have from other players no matter what. And suicide ganking is the only thing left.
And what would that accomplish? No one is interested in a space without content.
Yeah, and that is not a problem, that is part of the game you play, part of the rules that have always been this way. It’s not a truck simulator, it’s a competitive PvP sandbox.
No it isn’t. It’s definitely just you obsessing about a word you misunderstand. Highsec has high security relative to lowsec or other sec’s.
Oh it definitely works as a magnet to recruit some rather dull people to function as content for others, it’s a beautiful coincidence of CCP’s lack of capability to create interesting game loops themselves in my opinion, not something anyone actually planed. I don’t care if they improve PvE, it seems to me that is the main effort of the last 10 years and everything they produced was as boring as the stuff already in the game. Maybe the effort was better spend on things the game is actually good at, like the sandbox aspects, but we haven’t really seen a lot of new things in that regard.
Let’s be honest here. You obsess about semantics of the word High in an attempt to make it sound like that is in itself actually an argument to make Highsec more secure. It just isn’t
You talk big, you seem like a pro-elite eve player, please tell us what would you do in this ship to counter that gank. We want to learn from you.
Let me take that … the secret is: watch dscan and local. A gank squad doesn’t come out of nowhere.
This Catalysts have the optimal like a couple meters in front of their noses. Just move a little?