Why does the CODE rhetoric sound a lot like the ISIS rhetoric these days? You try to talk to one, and suddenly it’s almost a religion to them. Praise James this, and Praise James that. Can ppl really be that lonely and desperate in their RL lives?
And… “Knights of The New Order” (LMAO) Seriously? That is gold. CODE goes all Star Wars.
There is no chance people PRETENDING to be bad guys, in a GAME, might copy from RL. It must be the opposite, these guys probably inspired ISIS. You know that what they did makes the bad people IRL.
…perhaps they are just playing a game and some people are just bad sports?
Do you, by chance, have the ganking cheatsheet around somewhere? I think it would make sense to have it put up for display in the initial post, to make it easier for newcomers to figure out how to kill what.
You know, the cheatsheet that tells us how many catalysts for which type of ship in which kind of system?
An anonymous donor out of Jita has donated DOUBLE the ISK rewards for the top 3 Grand Prizes!
• 1st Place overall number of miners killed – 6 bil isk
• 2nd Place overall number of miners killed – 4 bil isk
• 3rd Place overall number of miners killed – 2 bil isk
This is so funny - CODE elite PvP warriors - ha ha ha.
Killing defenceless PvE players is not L33T PvP, it is sad nonsense by sadder shutins and killing CODE is very easy. Would you like me to spell it out here for all to see?