CODE - can anyone can explain?

When he is a bumper, you can see it if you are in the systems around your freighter too, you don’t have to follow this pilot :roll_eyes:
I have escorted many indus and freighter, none of them got ganked, some got bumped, but not for long. It’s all about scouting right (i repeat, you don’t have to follow a single pilot for this) and have an exit plan.

That is irrelevant and totally off the point. But clap clap, good you can scout and all, well done, have a gold star and a merit badge and all that.

Do you have any idea what an intel channel is? Obviously not!!! :roll_eyes:

I’m not honestly trying to reason with kids that think suicide ganking is “elite PvP”. I just like to poke them with a stick and watch the trolls flood the forums.

*AG was around long before code.

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Call them RPers.
They LOVE that.

Sure, but the only reason a intel changle in HS would make sense to me is when you are at war.
And if you are at war, you can follow every player you are at war with through HS and no one cares.

Or to be more specific:
Stop crying, deal with it…


Freighters can’t fit Rigs.

LMAO seriously :roll_eyes:

CODE is at war with anyone who does not buy their permit so players have grouped up against that. So you are saying that people who are opposed to gankers cannot have an intel channel to report their movements because there is no war dec. way to go tiger…

I am crying with laughter, thanks for the funny replies!

I bet you did not actually do that and just write you did.

Hey, why don’t you add a week to your vacation?

Or a month?


Got any pics? : D


You would lose that bet. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well then you really need another month of vacation! :blush:

No pics?
How was it?
Too short?
Usually it’s too short!
But don’t take my word for it, because …

… that’s what she said! : - )

Well it was really funny to see someone say that. Still chuckling to be honest, you can only scout and report on people who you have a war dec with, OK, right, OK right, OK right, still can’t get over it, no I can’t it is funny as hell. Methinks he was trying too hard…, comedy gold…

CODE doesnt do war.
CODE does suicide ganking, without wardec.

Also, the fools that buy a “permit” are the first to get popped.

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I fixed my sec status once trained into mining ships and went into Highsec… Mine some astros nothing happened… got bored >.<

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You can do what you like. Whether that returns the courtesy given you or not isn’t something you are “supposed” to do.

That you didn’t isnt unexpected. Nothing more than that.

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They declare war quite often:


Why does that matter? Following around is not against the EULA, But following around AND harassing people is. If CCP did nothing then why do you even care if someone got reported?

If CCP did indeed act on the report as your tears here suggest then that was probably because you don’t tell the whole story and you just play the victim card because you think that you lot are the white-knight super heroes you have some special rights and stand above the EULA.

I hope there where tears in the ag channel and someone screenshoted them so we can all taste them :rofl:

So much is obvious.


That’s because your reputation as a fiery wee Scot with a caffeine dependency problem scares them; no coffee makes Alice grouchy.

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That I didn’t apologize for suggesting that the way you put it made it look like you were backing people reporting people for following them around to give intel and asking you to clarify if that is what you meant. I am glad that you clarified it, I am sorry if you took that as me saying that you believed that was the case, I certainly doubted it. Does that work for you?

They do war decs at times.

But the very act of declaring hisec is all of theirs and that unless you buy a permit they will gank you means that they are at war with those that do not buy permits, regardless of mechanics or not. That was the point I was making, I deliberately did not use the term war dec.

Yeah, seriously

Nope, they aren’t at war with anyone, they have wardecs and they gank. Ganking Players =/= Wardeccing and kill, please don’t mix those two points up.

The main differences are:

  1. If you gank someone, you get killed by Concord (sure there are situation where you don’t get killed, but most of the time)
  2. If you wardec someone, their ships aren’t save with tank on them, because you can shoot them until they pop.
  3. A war makes it harder to kill someone, because he is, or should be, more careful

And I won’t say an intel makes ABSOLUTLY NO SENSE in HS, but flying around, just following ONE ganker is absolutly stupid and makes no sense. Even an intel about gankers doesn’t make that much sense (in my opinion). Just don’t stay afk, keep an eye on local and be aware if there are any CODE members in your system and you are fine most of the time.

HS is such a save place and still so many people whine about ganks, scams, bumping etc. but all of these are game mechanics wich are totaly legal and you have to deal with them. If you don’t want to deal with them, don’t log in, it’s easy as that.


If your description of CODE members is correct, they sound like a bunch of sociopathic Nazis.

Carebears ruining the game with their mentality? What cult-like dung are they ingesting? How many CCP salaries are being paid by Omegas characterized as carebears? Think about that, and that every player they force to prematurely leave EVE ends up hurting the game. I defy anyone to refute that logic.

Yeah, I’ve lost a Hulk to those maggot-brained punks, and learned from the experience. The main cause is that I didn’t know they existed until then, and the fix was simple. As for the hapless who pay for a code license, get out of congested space and find a remote corner to park your mining character and go get those rocks. Problem solved.