CODE - can anyone can explain?

My posts are ontopic and congruent with OPs concern.

Such that legal warfare plays a larger role.

An org of only 585 netting 2.76 trillion for only 50bil loss in a month, using suicide gank mechanics, is seriously ridiculous.

Anyone can see that.

PS: Also lol at 3 immediate responses within 3mins. You guys are on full damage-control duty.

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The disparity in kills vs losses is due to the fact that more and more players these days are either ignorant, lazy, or both and carry insane amounts of ISK value in cargo in untanked, under-tanked, or auto-piloted ships, oblivious to all that goes on around them…

Also, lol at pointing the finger at me.

I havent lost a ship, ever, to CODE, or suicide ganking.
This isnt about me me, or my interests.

Are you implying we’re all CODE. alts Mr.Troll?

This guy…

Seems likely, yes.

Long story short, out of the tens of thousands of ships that jump into and out of Jita, Niarja, Uedama, and other ganking hotspots, the vast majority of them have no trouble whatsoever making it to their destination…


Does it not concern you, that an org of only 585 members (many of which are likely inactive), nets 2.76 trillion vs only 50bil of their own loss, in HS using suicide gank mechanics, in 04.2018?

Can you not set aside your own bias for a second, and see how insanely skewed that is?

And? 1 person with a gun can take out 200 people if those people were unarmed and oblivious. It’s up to the unarmed and oblivious to change their ways…


Why blame them? Blame the people that allowed them to get that many isk destroyed lol…

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Im not blaming them.

Im blaming the games mechanics, as specific to suicide ganking in HS.

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So, we should change the mechanics of the game to better suit lazy and/or ignorant players? No thanks…

You’re specifically blaming CODE. for killing 2.76T isk in april

Get out…

From what I read about earlier patches, it wouldn’t be the first time

When the differential is 50 bil lost by suicide gankers, to 2.67 TRILLION by their targets, it begs the question whom is getting the lazier/easier ride.

Just go ahead and get it all out in the open, Salvos. Let us hear your thoughts on ganking, bumping, cloaky camping, awoxing, theft, and every other “unfair” aspect of EVE…

We’re listening…


Who is “we”?

All the people in this thread that don’t care about how skewed you think mechanics are… lol


Ok, so dealing with 3 trolls here.
Now they will swap alts.

The only way you can beat the suicide gankers is to follow their ethos gank them before they can gank, but i’m sure you know this. Getting rid of concord would help greatly as well.

Has this guy always been that dense?
Thinking X is Y’s alt, etc?

Because that’s pretty funny

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