CODE - Forums and Discussions

Bring back the days of can art.

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We can talk about those when Moonpie is a memory.

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@Aiko_Danuja are the shades necessary? :joy:

Addendum: On a small ship specifically …
… you do not want to fit shield related modules which increase your signature radius
… because then you’ll be faster to lock.

Maybe you should update your post respectively.

Unless the ganker already has GCC and thus can’t warp off …
… missiles (etc.) are very often useless, because we can just warp to the next tactical before it hits.

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First time I saw a code member who are willing to fight on 1v1 leveled ground. salute o7

Is that all the dangerous MTU’s?


LOL :rofl:

do I need to have negative security standings or need to join the ganking party in order to join code alliance? Because it’s not my playing style. I just want to play solo with positive sec status but I can help code alliance in my own small way if they ever accept my solo corp.

Why don’t you make a free account , think you can still get 1mill free skill points, try out code that way and if killing weak new player ships is not your thing join us.

I can’t really trust if those are really weak players. They maybe just some alt from nullsec alliance. Uedama is now under the influence of null alliance. Pandemic Horde and Credo crusaders are just few of them.

Most of the big ganker groups are from the big null blocks if they gank they are targets in my book.

Well, that’s good. whoever they are as long as they gank you will shoot them.

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I caught this antiganker today, his mining barge didn’t last long.

real anti Ganker or just a bounty hunter for Code Hunt 2020.?

What’s Code Hunt 2020?

Don’t know. just an OP named Quint wasting some shooting your main is not really that hard. :roll_eyes:

Oh, lol, I forgot about that goofus.

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