CODE - Forums and Discussions

lol. I like this meme. :slight_smile: :rofl: :rofl:

wow, yet another "hisec carebears should band together against CODE/miniluv/gankers-du-jour thread? not like there aren’t already a dozen or so other thread on this exact topic.

how about the much simpler: don’t be an idiot and CODE and their ilk will never get you?

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@Aaaarrgg Deeds over words. :sunglasses:

Band together? Solo defensive PVP is much better. Highsec Carebears are not good in banding together. Most highsec carebears are playing solo. Gankers are also now gate camping at any place in highsec not just uedama. They will gank you even if your in a cheap ship if they want.

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hey OP, HiSCB are not the Space Police. :stuck_out_tongue:

Did someone say…



More accurate…

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That’s an anti-ganking kill, we try to kill as fast as we can so stopping them putting DPS on to their target, it’s also nice when concord isn’t on our kills but you only have 20 sec for that

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Another CODE. thread, beware people,


I see youve read The Code

read it, yes. even though James315’s overly verbose essays of self aggrandisement make me want to scoop my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon.

salt1 Yeah, Gankers should be wary of salt players.

I still like his style better than his successor.

Purely from a literary point of view.


Omg this cracks me up every time! :smiley:


I had a break for 6 years, so Code is new for me.

If I summarize, what they do, they are just protection money extortionists, or?

PVP players in highsec. They are expert in Suicide Ganking using a high dps Tech 1 destroyers. they especially targets but not limited to haulers and miners. They also now targets cheap ship depending on their mood. Most of them Has -10 standings. PVE fitted ships can’t match them solo. You can compare them to a pack of wolves roaming in highsec.

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More an air of non-aggression extortionists than protection, however the devil is in the fine print. Lot’s of ways to void the non-aggression.


That’s close enough… Bullies, extortionists, racketeering… But it’s permitted, because of an incoherent, mythical “code”…

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CODE. basically owns highsec and regulates mining


They are the legitimate governing authorities of High-Sec. Obey their laws.

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