CODE - Forums and Discussions

Actually its an opt-in charity.

Extortion requires force to be applied or the implication of force applied to compell compliance.

Ive bought plenty of Permits and Shares in my time, and have never felt compelled to do it.

Because I do what I want.


As you’re a supporter yes your right, as for the people in the other end of their activities it’s extortion.

100mill + 100mill+ + 30mill oh sorry a typo I ment 70mill ok you can have your ship back after you pay delivery 30mill , after the 1st two payments player feel they are in to far to back out .

Really it has faint hints of other scamming styles
What’s next ,with this ship you get a free skill extractor , now give me 2mill skill points for the ship you have paid over the odds for .

No matter how much fluff you put around any of code activities they are Eve’s criminals, scoundrel and con artist.

Oh and they fail at ganking so often these days…

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They are players, playing a role provided-for by the designers of the game - what’s your problem with that ?


She’s the Leader of the Anti Code. She’s also part of the Role Playing provided-for by the designers of the game. You can choose whom you will support Her or Aiko Danuja the Leader of CODE.

Is that a bad thing?

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How when its not possible to force compliance?

I cannot in any way force you to give me isk unless you choose to.

Not saying it’s wrong , just what they are

And she has a name

Ps I’m not the leader .

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They are idiots who have deluded themselves into believing they have any authority over anyone else.

their “Permits” are also a scam. you buy one and they have an alt group who cant be tracked directly back to them gank you.

Its nothing but mob tactics. Not against any CCP rules since they are hands off player interactions, but players should recognize them as organized crime, which is what they are, and make their own response to be shoot and kill CODE on sight with overwhelming force if they have a kill right. or anytime in low or nullsec.

Again what CODE does is normally not against any rules of EVE. it is being jerks, but it is not wrong by CCP. Players however should have a brain cell and recognize them as no different from the mob.

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No not at all, it’s what Eve’s about you pick your side and play Eve , I’m sure the game needs all types and what great fun people have playing these characters. .


Sounds like Mafia. :slight_smile:


I have nothing against the ones who don’t specifically target noobs in their first week of the game.

What they are doing is just part of what makes EVE so unique. Players can have any career they want, even organized crime.

But Organized Crime is exactly what it is. and that means I’m surprised that other corps havent systematically worked to exterminate their corp by now…

You want to be mafia, you take what comes with it- a lot of people being pissed.

Good point we are trying but it’s a hard job, they choose to initiate the attacks on pilots when and where , if we are around they are more cautious but still hard to stop them and putting the time in to try a stop mission ganks is way to high,
we need a warp in like concord has or faster hehe
Just to add
No point in wars as they are -10 most of the time
And if you could war Dec you would find one of the high sec Merc’s on your ass in no time

You can’t blame the Carebear corp. They just want to avoid PVP because it’s not their playing style. The problem is just majority of Highsec carebears are too comfortable believing in concord protection. They are even not using the Dscan or check local and worst lazy playing such as afk mining etc. that’s why they are taken by surprise by Gankers that is not even using a cloak.

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Most people playing EVE including hisec miners do not want to avoid pvp. They want to not be threatened by mobsters who extort people with “Permits” that in themselves are a scam.

Sure those mobsters are breaking no rules aside from courtesy, they aren’t doing anything WRONG.

But the Legitimate Authority of Hisec is called CONCORD. and CONCORD has a lot of kills on those CODE mobster ships. every CODE member is ready to lose ships to them in fact. it’s why its called suicide ganking.


There is so much ignorance and fear in this thread. The Code began as a conservation movement, when James 315 decided to use some of his fortune to preserve one of the ice fields in The Citadel. From the very beginning, the miners were abusive to him and spoke in a reprehensible manner - calling him all sorts of names. CCP even claimed that a conservation effort might not be acceptable unless James could attach some profit motive to it. Thus, a 10 million isk permit system was created, as a trivial, almost token payment.

The hateful miners just cannot open their minds to The Code.


Again with the ridiculous propaganda. theres nothing legitimate about CODEs claims. what is legitimate is their playstyle and activities under CCP.

if they want to make up a silly story that’s ok. As a Miner and a nullsec explorer and aspiring bomb ganker, I don’t hate CODE. I hate them pretending that someone else is at fault when the truth is nobody is doing anything actually wrong here, not the miners and not the gankers.

The only thing I’d hate is if someone acts like a jerk personally, ganking is normally not personal.

The reason CODEs activities are permitted have nothing to do with their “code” and everything to do with CCP policy.

Isn’t this entire thread about how CODE. are the bad guys and the miners and haulers are virtuous craftsmen?

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I dont know about that I just know that is not what I’ve been saying. I’m pointing out both the miners and CODE are playing their own way and both playstyles are legitmate by CCP.

As long as players arent breaking those rules (and the rules of interpersonal civility) I don’t care if they gank me or mine with me or whatever, its all part of the fun.

People deal with ganking usually quite well becuase its not personal. last time I was ganked mining in lowsec I actually sent the gankers congratulations mail becuase they made the top 5 most valued ships that week in system with the kill. The mistake that time furthermore, was mine. I realized I should have warped sooner, I should have recognized the issue the minute I saw combat probes. I was a dumbass for not warping then and there, and the lost ship was my fault anyway.

In a way, all gankers are craftsmen, they take raw materials (ships) and craft them into salvageable wrecks!

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