CODE. is a bad thing



When you spend so much time in a game that you begin to pray to pixels saviors…


James 315 is a real person and he owns Highsec. No RP and no believes, simple facts.

Your just mad because I scamed you out of 10bil ISK once.


Why do I always get the feeling that half the enjoyment CODE gets from what they do comes from people making threads like this in the forums.


*grabs chair and slides closer to grandpa hoping to hear a good story *

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Well said, couldn’t agree more.

I don’t care enough to elaborate.

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My grandpa was too drunk to tell stories except more beer, but at least I was always able to get stuff with the change left over.

blade is too cheap to make his own memes, so he has to steal stock photos from alamy

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So wait, Karak got paid 10 billion isk to roleplay?

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CODE is done and they don’t even realize it…

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it teaches new player to keep their head on the swivel really if it wasn’t for code they wouldn’t know what it would would be ganked until they hit low SEC so really code teaches them how to lose ships do I personally have a problem with code now I sat there and had many conversation with code agents

James is here to help us all.


Go on?

James 315 is an idiot. Its John 315. His scripture literally means (I am an idiot). Go read it


What are you yapping about?

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Look at my face in game Aiko. Remember it. You’ll be back

I probably will, I can’t get me enough of that Alistair Atreides.

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meme !== picture, so you may want to say to take my own pictures; but as is hard to go to a nut house for relevant code pics, i prefer to make my own meme using a picture available on internet.

Stealing pictures to make memes is exactly the pretext used to ban memes in EU.
I guess you are agree with that, or is just another one from the cognitive dissonances who ravages your mind?

Depends, the asshat suicide ganking newbies in a starter system certainly not - he shoud be banned

But afk freighters with $$$$ on ap through uedama is kind of amusing and probably something i would consider if i wanted to spend the time waiting around for a good target…