CODE Selling permits at rookie help

Just a few clarifying information, with an in-game search, the character OP mentioned does indeed exist but it is not a member of the CODE. Alliance or any of it’s member Corporations, however she (the character) does have clear signs that it’s a CODE. supporter, indicated by her biography.

As to whether or not she have been trying to advertise/selling CODE.'s Permit speech in the Rookie Help or any other (Language) Help channels, is not something that have been definitively confirmed or denied.

I believe I can quote @CCP_Falcon on this: “If people would just behave in a civil and constructive manner, there would be little to no need to moderate”.

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You are right, didn’t think about the miner using using the F word.
There is so many miners that can’t communicate without using profanities and insults (like OP). Maybe we need a Forum Permit for just 10m ISK?


If people would just behave in a civil and constructive manner, then CCP wouldn’t have customers.



See someone doing this in the help channels, file a ticket.

Discussion closed.