CODE Selling permits at rookie help

I still don’t get why you would cry about that on the forums. Did it hurt your feelings?

Calm down miner.


Again confusing the limits of ur self as a phisical entity in the world… sry just kidding u know this have nothing to do with u unless the guy breaking HELP channel rules is an alt of urs thats it so shooo…

Man, I just asked why you cry about it on the forums and you start to ramble incoherent sentences. Did you completely break down in the last hour or something?

Man i told u multiple times why i dancing in the forum… is because Alleil was so cringe in the Rookie Help chat that he make my eyes bleed but lets go back to u if u want… wat have u contributed to this topic in ur multiple posts?

A. Nothing.

B. Less than nothing.

Still sounds like a good idea to inform newbies about the CODE so they can make an informed decision on whether to buy a permit or not. Might cut down on the whiny threads on the forum.


The best thing we could probably do would be to stop responding to this illiterate fool.

Makes me mad cause scams in a rookie help channel screams bad game to me. Bad game means less rookies staying.

Scams bad, but lies are ok, right?

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Naw help channel should be a carebear safe zone cringe factory that’s like eve’s only trust issue exception and should remain so.


This thread, it consumed all my :popcorn: so I’ve ordered a freighter load of replacement… but it got ganked on its way to me. :frowning:

Probably should have purchased a popcorn permit for that shipment. Well at least it was outsourced so the freighter is not my loss. :slight_smile:

Maybe it shouldn’t stay so and some of the controversial things should be allowed as a means to lower new players’ expectations right from the start. We still have the forum and it’s new player section and we also have a rich landscape of website full of help. I see no reason why it’s necessary for Rookie Help to be completely safe and have ISD moderating too much of it, when everything else of the game is basically free from any form of moderation.

Same reason Kisogo can flipping started being punishable. New player help chat is for helping new players by answering queations. One who doesn’t know anything about the game and just logged in doesn’t need CODE advertisement or other scams before they even know how to warp. If you’re gonna go and say why shouldn’t it be like the rest of EVE then help and rookie would light up like Jita local.

Also, imo, a new player forced to participate in forums just dilutes their gameplay and goals bypassing the trial and error part of learning. While a yes or no question in help can be said to do the same it’s generally much less in depth as the forum guides I see of people saying “don’t get anything but a machariel for level 4s” when someone asks for fitting advice on a low skill full clear mission domi. Or “get an alt to salvage” as if new players don’t have enough learning to do with our terrible starting UI.

Okay tldr pretty much new players have enough to worry about, help channel should be just that and you shouldn’t have to worry about scams there.


I’m saying some of it could be allowed. It could also make the life of ISD easier. How much of it could be left for ISD to decide depending on how much it influences the helping. But the last thing you want really is to leave an impression of EVE being moderated and controlled by staff, which it definitely isn’t - at least not in the foreground and as is present in many other games. It’s undeniable that we do have the problem of new players coming to EVE and bringing a lot of outside expectations to the game. Getting some of it stomped right at the entrance could go a long way and just be healthy for EVE.

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Also the title should read “Selling alleged CODE. Permits etc”

There’s no evidence the CODE are involved and it smells like an attempt to tarnish their good name.

Which would be against the rules in itself.

To be honest i have both seen and read in several places where ISD moderators kicked people out for attempts at recruitng or even advertising their Corp/Alliance in rookie help.

IMO this would be no different, advertising Permits and stuff about Code to get permit holders and all that is just what it is…Organizational Advertisment and against the rules.

As others have pointed out…send a report to James315 since Codies are not supposed to be breaking such rules, and as a follow up, make a petition also in case it isnt anyone involved with Code.

When one of my scouts is chilling in a newbie NPC corp or the newbie chat it is usually the anti-gankers who engage 100% autism/sperg-mode as soon as CODE is mentioned. The vast majority of them is unable or unwilling to explain to a newbie the difference in risk between a .9 and a .5 system and why they might want to fit some tank on their ships, but would rather start some foaming-at-the-mouth hurf-blurf.


A bit off topic, but perhaps a CODE. member can shed some light… Why aren’t there any videos in game by CODE.?

I’ve been looking at one of them video screens and wondered why you’re not just using them?

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I assumed they were only for recruitment, as thats the only information that seems to appear.

That said, the CODE recruits anyone who wants to help I think, where as those various entities dont seem interested past claiming it to be allowed an advert.

Pics or GTFO

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