We’re aware you’re bein’ very proud of yaself, and we’re also aware that ya ain’t actually got nothin’ to be actually proud of. Like, come on! I can spell “you”, “yours”, “your” and “you’re”, so i really gotta question ya priorities. btw, make no mistake mate, i’m aware of my writin’ style and it’s on purpose. Unlike you i can also write proper english. Be proud mate. Be proud! Apparently it’s all ya’ve got.
Dude again the language horse beating? I can excuse myself for being bad with english whole day, if u want but since this already derailed lets go back to u with language horse beating… how many languages do u speak properly? zero?
Mate. You know how to write the word “you”. You intentionally spell “u”. It has nothing to do with your english, it’s you being unwilling, or too cognitively challenged, to type out the whole word. You look like ya barely passed kindergarten and ya middle name’s really givin’ it away. I’ll just leave ya here now, for the wolves to feast on.
Oh clearly i use only u deliberatively (love those grammar NZ out there) but im more interesting about what u think… do u think english is my main language and i misspell it out of ignorance like the other guy insinuated? Serious answer pls ops there i did it again just “pls” oh im such an idiot
Personally, Im fascinated by apparently in his country they encourage you to set fire to things you don’t like.
I wonder which country that could be?
Nope sry probably my fault for not explaining it properly in my country and most Europeans countries they teach u to confront what stress u as soon as possible instead of hiding it inside and exploding like a rabid dog in a volcano years later i thing thats not bad since we have 0 school shootings in my country but i must also admit i go to far sometimes not hiding it iam a childish bastard.
Props for creating that phrase
But minus for that. Shame shame shame.
“But minus for that. Shame shame shame.” trust me not trying to denigrate a whole country but ppl ask and i answer those are the reasons of why in my country being angry is not something u are ashamed about.
You’re just uneducated basically. I can tell by your shocking spelling and your extreme desperation to tell everyone you’re smarter than them
Spelling is not the same as grammar.
You need schools to have school shootings, and you are evidence there are none where you live.
But using dead kids to make your point kind of should be, tbh.
Anyway, the point being, you know what to do about this alleged CODE. person. Is there any further reason to keep this thread open?
Dude i love dancing but ur subpar u demonstrated it urself with ur extremely obtuse comments.
You sure are dancing
Here i’ll help out : “Your” “You” “Yourself” “Your”.
Seriously how can you pretend this is because you don’t care, rather than because you are uneducated?
So… how many languages should i speak properly enough to even care about it to not be uneducated?
Also pls reread my first reply to u in this topic pls
You should at the very least speak correctly the language you are using to insult the intelligence of others.
Ok i re-read it. Still looks like you were desperately trying to look clever, and make out like everyone else is the one with the problem. What was the point in re-reading that?
The point of rereading it is to U just confirmed my point but U not gonna get it… the problem between U and me is not that i try to isult UR intelligence but the fact that U are not intelligent enough to understand that what i was complaining about was WHERE, i repeat, WHERE Alleid Pollard was advertising permits and thus cant argue with U.
I visited rookie chat recently - most of you don’t even answer questions asked there. In fact Allen Pollard answered more question asked by rookies than all of you did.
And here comes the smart ass that comfirmed Alleil is not just a myth thanks dude seriously thank you.
Edit PS: The way Alleil was helping was “U can do it at a Station but buy a permit or u gonna get killing upon leaving the station”.
Telling alpha players that mining is good way to make isk is also scamming, but I don’t see mining proponents being complained about. [be honest here - most buy orders for ore in rookie (and surrounding) systems is way below market price]
Again trying to deflect to " Is not scam and im gonna tell my momma u saying others is a scam" debate, the problem was he was advertising Permits with obvious intentions IN ROOCKIE HELP CHAT.
I addressed that.