Let’s see what they can break now, I predict market, jump gates and audio.
What time does the downtime start?
11:00 UTC, same time every daily downtime starts.
11:30 UTC ???
How long is that??? Why don’t you tell us how many hours the server will be down for because most of us live in different timezones!
Seriously, is it really that hard to not say how long the server will be down for. We don’t have a clue when 11:30 UTC is. Take a page from Blizzard and say how long it will be or use an example "MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 09/28: #Warcraft Shadowlands & #BurningCrusade: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM (PDT) | #WoWClassic: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM | " https://twitter.com/blizzardcs/status/1442262713154080771?lang=en
What’s next, giving measurements without giving the metric conversion as well? I’m sure MOST of your customer base is outside UTC!
@Overkillls dude chill… EVE time and CCP use the same time… UTC. Downtime always starts at 11:00 UTC or if you prefer 11:00 EVE time… so extended downtime is only 30 min.
on your PC you can have a secondary clock, you can always add the time for EVE on there… so right now it is 1:03am for CCP and if you look in the game, you’ll see the same time.
More than likely it will be the patch for the “Totality Day” holiday they mentioned in the Beat… "on a newly designated day of celebration on 13 October, dubbed Totality Day. Various player events - which are by no means limited to the RP community - ", but I’m just making a guess…
Oh, I see! You want it stated in US time zones.
You do realize there is a whole 'nother world outside the borders of the USA, right? And that 95% of the population of planet Earth has no idea what things like PST, PDT, or EDT mean?
For the record,
PST is GMT-8, and PDT is GMT-7.
EST is GMT-5, and EDT is GMT-4
GMT is Greenwich Mean Time, now called UTC because somebody
whined that GMT was “too Anglo-centric”.
You will allow the deployment of MTU in rookie systems for L4 mission runners ?
Thanks, appreciated
no. you don’t need them… they were spammed in rookie systems… bad enough now the spammers are dropping cans.
You mean Mobile depot and containers ? Much cheapter than MTU. Have never seen an MTU used for spam ads.
They can think for solutions like “have to be x km from structure/gate”, far enough that it is not on the overview where people travel.
@Githany_Red can tell you how often she’s seen MTU’s as spam ads in rookie systems. containers however, harder to get rid of since you get concordokken when attacking them.
You forget the part where CCP can come up with an idea, like restricting around stations/gates only, not the whole system.
why do you need to use MTU’s in a rookie system? if you want to run missions, do it away from the rookie systems.
You are in your “No” phase, right ?
The Agents keep sending me there → Solution : stop sending players there.
Declining a mission ? Only to avoid standing loss.
When we started to clear out MTU before the ban , one starter systems had over 100 out side a station.
Now containers do need to be looked at , maybe gank them in starter ships with enough people .
I’ll do a starter system tour at the weekend to assess the numbers
@Overkillls if that is the case, just a gentle reminder that the largest Eve demographic is not US players, it’s EU players, which is why UTC makes much more sense over something like EST.
containers get you concordokken… i tried with one of my alts in Akiainavas