[COMPLETED] Extended Downtime Notification - 24.11.2020

в игре много чего нужно исправить например забанить читеров на всегда , в этой игре всё очень строго по поводу читерства

это отличат еву от других игр так легче с читерами справляца всё правельно всё отлично игра как была лучше всех так и осталась графика супер как была так и осталась , эту игру выпустили сразу с супер интерфейсом , и некому из других игр не удалось создать что -то подобное

Any good?

That is the one where you mine by shooting rays out of your arm. Olmeca Gold seems to like it.

I will have to check for some youtube videos on it.

There is another one that is a cheap Eve ripoff, called Second Galaxy. The original Eve creators made one that looks decent; I don’t remember the name of that one.

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I look that one up too.

I think it might be Starborne.

если такие обновы будут и дальше выходить (например "динамическая награда " ) ева развалится . начинаю думать о смене игры

ну ева останется евой, ты все равно в неё потом вернёшься))

Just take back all the nerfs that you guys did already, nobody likes them and null is more barren than sahara desert in the summer…


I have been gone for more than 2 years, didn’t play very long back then and even I noticed the nerfs immediately. LOL

You can check out the Singularity Test server. It’s where CCP tests stuff out, and you have access to a couple of commands as well (Psst everything is only 100 ISK on the marker) :wink:

Hello, everyone,

Tranquility is now down for maintenance. You can find today’s patch notes here, and I will see you in half an hour.

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done bandwidth is that to all drone ships that can carry and use that has a penalty

Can we please get the option of removing the red dots i can not tell you how many times i have it telling me i have new cargo and i am in a pod…

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thats minor its a little red dot not game breaking lol behave

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cya in a few more years then lol some people are never happy

Can you tell me where to download the launcher please? the current one I have installed is not doing its job right and as such I find it necessary to download the launcher myself and install it that way.

what i did was when i had to delete the whole game make a new account and u will get the launcher then just add ya accounts back if there saved they will be there when u reinstall the launcher