It has come to our attention that the Thukker tribe has finally granted a comment on the alleged tie between the Seykal clan and the Krullefor Organization. As per their response, they did not confirm nor deny the accusation but instead offered that it was “Not a matter for Great Caravans.”
Let me be clear; it is not our place to rock the boat too much in the Minmatar Republic. However, as our war with the Krullefor Organization continues major media outlets across Molden Heath have reported several times on the connection between the Krullefor Organization and the Seykal Clan in Molden Heath. Following the discovery of the suspicious circumstances surround the attacks on Mikramurka, when it was revealed that the Krullefor Organization was responsible for the death of the Sundsele Six, Seykal forces under the command of @Sesli_Ashok were on scene supporting the Krullefor Organization. Several months later, reports revealed that the Republic Security Service was collaborating alongside their Krusual mercenaries to support the Seykal Expeditionary Group’s position in Molden Heath.
Earlier this week the security chief of Matar, who was put into his position on the recommendation of Krusual Chief Tenerhaddi Dykon in the same week that reports were released hinting that the Krusual tribe may have had advanced knowledge of the attacks on Mikramurka, blocked a resolution by the Sebiestor Marshalls that would investigate any financial ties between the Seykal Clan and the Krullefor Organization. This, mind you, is following open threats of hostility against the standing Sebiestor Chief from the Krusual tribe when Chief Midular raised the issue of “vast financial and resource appropriations for mysterious purposes that [were tied to] Krusual Covert Operators, Tronhadar Free Guard and Trust Partners” carried out under Dykon’s administration. Meanwhile, Krusual Tribal Marshals (seemingly now acting as a paramilitary extension of the RSS) continue to disperse any demonstrations that call into question the Security Service’s recent actions and ties to these organizations.
All of this points to a deep conspiracy concerning the RSS, Krusual Tribe, Seykal Clan, and Krullefor Organization. I have been advised, at the behest of our local allies, to not involve ourselves in the internal politics of the Republic and instead focus on pacifying Molden Heath. However, as time goes on it is increasingly obvious that the two situations are fundamentally tied and are on a collossion course unless we see a greater investment from our Matari allies.
To any and all Matari concerned over these recent developments I implore you to assist us in our struggle against the Krullefor Organization. I fully believe that they are the weak link in this conspiracy and if we continue to press them we stand a chance of discovering the foundation of this conspiracy that will allow us to at last discover what is true and what is disinformation.
To the Great Caravan, if you are abiding any information that might result in uncovering the connection between the RSS, Krullefor, and the Seykal I strongly advise you to come forward now before any embarrassing information comes to light that would force you to answer several other far more awkward questions. You may well feel that it is not the concern of the Great Caravan to address these concerns, but if you do not now then there will be far greater concerns that may threaten the relationship between the Thukker and the other tribes of the Minmatar Republic.
I did not start this war with the intention of uncovering a conspiracy; we merely fell into it in our attempt to curtail rogue warlords in Molden Heath. Now that we are here, however, we cannot in good consciousness just pack things up, go home, and forget everything we have discovered during our war in the Heath. I do, however, welcome any and all support within the Minmatar capsuleer community that may be able to take up leadership of this investigation while we focus solely on ending Krullefor influence here.