CONCORD introduces the Dynamic Bounty System

Stop blaming filaments. You have 15 minutes to probe him down, otherwise he would log off anyways.

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Stop bringing false arguments. Even if you get someone on their filament timer right in, all the chicken has to do is bounce around. But unlike safelogging, which actually requires 30 seconds, chicken filaments are instant. Seeing you make this argument is just showing how terrible you are at this game.

Seriously, CCP, how badly you can ■■■■ up filaments? They only needed to cost 50 times more, be only activable in lowsec, and spawn a timer and a beacon for everyone to join the fun to be balanced pvp mechanic. And instead we got the ultimate pvp avoidance tool.

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Without filaments:
All he has to do his bounce around, then X log which will cause him to warp from his safe into another safe and instantly log.

What was your point again?

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That was your point. My point is, in old system, sooner or later he should take that gate, even if he logged. And you could get him there.

And with ultimate pvp removers, he just does his stupid bouncing somewhere else, and I get the next stupid bouncer, and another one, and another one, and I have ZERO chance of catching them even with perfect scans, because bouncing is uncatchable, and they don’t have to take a gate to leave. Not to mention most of them don’t even need to bounce, because their chicken timer would be up already, and they just instantly remove all pvp.

What was your point again?

This is great! I want this for highsec too, please!


Abundance breeds complacency and scarcity breeds war.

War is Peace.

Autarky is Anathema to Free Trade.

Freedom is Slavery.

The first one is pretty much self explanatory.

The third one makes sense when you consider that self-sufficiency is freedom,
because you’re not dependend on others.

Can’t fit “Ignorance is Strength” in, though.


Utter nonsense. Why does something that might hypothetically happen again in some form at some unknown point in the future mean that you can’t enjoy EVE right now?

Filaments. Nuff said. The ultimate pvp removers. While they are in the game, not just paying, logging in seems pointless, when you put a sabre next door to catch someone, and he posts some smug asshatery in local and filaments away without ever taking any gate.

So get better at catching people.

Mining changes. I’d maybe sub to get some cap building for my alliance done. For war, not for profit, you know. Well, can’t do that, says CCP, you get 11 rocks, and none of them are worth 1 old rock, and there’s no way you’re building a cap with that, go get some ISK and pay hisec miners…

So do commerce then? I’m not sure how this is a bad thing.

I prefer to do my ISK ratting in quieter part of the day

So why not find an alliance that is better aligned with your time zone and able to support you?

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Which brings me back to first post of not bringing 30 local to intercept. Back to square one. Can’t remember the last time I bounced like that without a blob chasing me. Bad pvpers just bring overwhelming numbers, so how can you expect any good PVP out of that? Sounds like a non-issue to me. TLDR: Get over it.


No… this is such a bad idea

Don’t do this CCP. you will not make more conflict. You are just making new null players turn away, and the rich will just get even more rich…


Nah its 2020 now these devs just look at “statistics” and say fk the playerbase

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They’re not ruining the game.
They’re ruining your game.

You are not the playerbase.

Have a nice life. :slight_smile:

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2 milion merlin pilot in FW can pay for omega time with isk
multi bilion null sec crab complain

what new nullsec players ??? im pretty sure even if any new nullsec players went into nullsec… they would be jumped/ganked on straight away without even having a damn chance of doing anything… the thing with some in nullsec. is the only thing they see. is oooh look a new strangler has come to our nullsec home… lets blow them up and send them back… because god forbid that new person could actually turn out to be useful but nope… some nullsec people don’t use their brains and just as always blow that person up… again i did nullsec mining for two years straight back in 2012/2013. perhaps things have changed since then. but i doubt it.

If they want to be useful they can join the alliance that owns the space. Why would any sane group allow potential threats to exist in their space just for the small chance that they maybe someday become useful and not useful to an enemy alliance?

ooh i dunno perhaps because some do not get any god damn reply back from said alliances/corps or their application gets declined. but then again i guess you don’t care or even think of that… its one sided with some nullsec people isn’t it. always a easy way in your eyes. but news flash thats not always the case Merin… again ive known quite a few do that while i was in the nullsec corp i was with. its not always straight forward like you paint it to be…

CCP hates in game wealth generation, but BUY PLEX and Skill Injectors! That kind of wealth generation is OK with CCP!


So keep trying. Or learn how to solo farm in nullsec instead of trying to convince people to give you charity handouts.

Utter nonsense. CCP needs in-game wealth generation because for anyone to buy PLEX for cash you have to have people with excess wealth buying those PLEX for ISK. Please do not confuse “this game is too difficult for me and I can’t make ISK” with “everyone is poor”.

Ever reviewed C-Code written by some “Hacker on the run” ? Those “programmers” cannot read their own code 2 weeks later. I have been in financial services during the 2k-change … never ever again do I want to see that kind of Fortrun/Assembler-Mainframe-Code again. pure Horror … and documentation is for the weak

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Lol. ISK generation from blue loot in high class WH is far more exploitable than nullsec ratting.

Abyss filaments have basically been solved, T5 and I think T6 can be completed reliably without loss, and the red loot there is valuable also and sells to NPC buy orders like blue loot.

I think someone is just sad that their mindless AFK income source has been taken away from them - mad that they now will need to PVP to keep some of their items, and move out of their bubblefucked (can you swear on this forum? idk) dead end -1.0 truesec system