Aww , shucks , Qia. I love you too…>:)

And to my knowledge, Mr. Outlier just builds stuff. Former corpie and all that.

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Wrong, AFK is normal in this game.

As far as the idea.

-1 TERRIBLE idea.

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I feel like the intent of this “suggestion” is to do what the game is encouraging people to do already, mainly, making friends and fighting back against gankers.

But instead of doing that, the suggestion is to turn Concord into someone’s person little militia so that they don’t have to go out and interact with other players to make friends or allies to defend themselves.

Overall, I think this is a poor idea that doesn’t serve any real purpose and would waste development time and resources for something that people can already do by just socializing and making allies.

I remember you, too!

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It could if it was some form of highsec acceptable cyno tuned to a designated CONCORD frequency.

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That actually is the intent mainly.

CONCORD doesn’t get turned into a “personal militia” (right now they are in fact immediate personal militia) rather they do the same thing (retribution) except that this would be an on demand call of someone under attack rather than automatically.

The main mechanic change would be that a ship under attack becomes eligible for assistance rather than the game automatically spawning CONCORD (if not present on grid already).

The implication is that people who put their ship out in space away from the npc stations, away from gates and essentially where the space police are not at put themselves at risk. Can they be helped? Yes, but they have to take the first step and ask for help rather than having the game nanny for them in the sandbox.

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Right now that is exactly what CONCORD is. The intent is to tone down the magical instant scram and appearance of the space police for afk players and bots and require them to actually ask for help from the magic space police to get them to arrive per the current mechanics involving time to spawn or warp in if they’re not on grid.

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The system you’re suggesting would make it easier for bots since one could just program a bot to instantly hit that “panic” button as soon as it’s aggressed.

So I’m not sure what the intent of this is other than “I want to make my highsec ganks easier please.”

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You’re on the mark. I haven’t been as active in recent years with raising kids but have been slowly getting back into playing some.

No, CONCORD’s response action and time to respond would be mechanically the same as it is now. The difference is that if no help is requested it is not given. By realistic I mean more along the lines of if you’re out of sight of CONCORD’s patrol or station/gate guns then CONCORD isn’t going to leave the donut shop without the dispatcher getting the 911 call for help first.

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I think it might make it harder for bots or setting up bots.

It’s a question for programmers - can a bot detect that it is under attack and take an action? If yes would the amount of code be something detectable by the game such as an instant response versus the slight delay a person would have?

I was under the impression that bot defenses in Eve mainly consist of setting the drones to auto attack rather than having the ship warp off if attacked.

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It won’t.

This can be a much better idea than it may look at first sight… Actually i like it a lot :+1:


It will.


No, it isn’t.

Only truly stupid players think it is, tho.


Be seeing you.

No, it would NOT make it easier for the bot!
For them, everything would just stay as it is!

They’ll press the button just like every other attentive player and they’d not get any advantage out of it, compared to how it is today!


It wouldn’t be complicated at all.

All one needs to do for that is checking a single pixel at the beginning of the shield to know if he’sunder attack. Maybe a bit later than the first set of pixels, because of rats, but that’s all there is to it.

Nothing would change for bots at all.
Scoots either isn’t thinking this through, or he’s a botter.

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On the subject of bots.

Most bots I encounter (in hisec) aren’t even smart enough to try and warp away if attacked. They will sit happily mining until dead. The pod will then sit, in space, until it decides its ‘ore bay’ is full, dock up at a station to ‘empty’ it, and then warp back to the belt and try to mine again.

Or just sit there in space until downtime.

As for AFK players too dumb to dock up or cloak………

Why, gosh, I’m certain nothing bad will happen to them.

laughs in blaster


If this wasnt a joke…then yes bots would auto-magically press the button as soon as aggression started.

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It makes it easier for the bot to stay alive. As it is currently, Concord only strikes when aggressive action is taken. With this change, Bots will be able to instantly call Concord the moment any kind of aggression appears.

At least with the current system, there is the chance that the Bot will die before Concord manages to kill all of the gankers. With this, the Bot can pre-emptively call Concord and keep itself safe.