That’s a bold statement. I think the opposite is true: first time gank targets (and a lot of times after that) people will get an adrenaline rush and start doing stupid stuff, including forgetting to press the ‘call concord’-button.

I support ganking in high sec, but I don’t think ganking should be made any more complex for the potential gank victims by adding extra buttons for actions that currently are automated.


A can see a reasonable number of people getting it wrong the first time. But people learn, especially when self-criticism is easy because the problem is obvious.

IMO EVE’s high-sec combat PvP problem is that it’s much easier to be the attacker than the defender, because the attacker can always back away from a difficult fight, and can always choose fights that are difficult for the defender.

Yes. And do you know what it means when a reasonable number of rookies get it wrong the first time to press the concord button when they get ganked? It means that ganking rookies is likely not a suicide gank.

I don’t think it’s a good idea if illegally killing rookies in high sec space would be punished less often than ganks on experienced people.

If it was just the button (as per the OP) wouldn’t be useful.

But what if there was a trade-off? I’d make a list of suggestions, but I’m probably not the ideal source.

FWIW my favorite is “reverse insurance”: pay e.g. 50% of the value of the ship and cargo to destroy everything (no salvage for anyone) …

… i.e pay (a lot) so the ganker gets neither loot, a killmail, nor tears. Real combat PvPers (if there are any left in EVE) would not be affected at all.

I stand by my previous statement; let’s not make the game more complex for rookies.

We certainly agree on this. But not on methods.

OTOH it doesn’t matter :slight_smile:

EVE needs much bigger changes than CCP or Pearl Abyss could reasonably risk implementing, so any serious suggestion I made would be impractical.

So, perhaps an invulnerability field that lives up to it’s name? What a concept. +1

Recap of the concept and modifications to the idea:

Original concept was a red button in the center of the ship’s capacitor display that a capsuleer could press to call for CONCORD assistance if that capsuleer is under criminal attack. CONCORD would then respond normally. This was meant to replace the current system of response by CONCORD that encourages afk play and bots and modify the game back towards sandbox play etc as previously discussed.

Other than CONCORD not responding unless called very little change to the current CONCORD setup is needed. This means CONCORD can still respond to something that happens in front of them, patrol randomly, scram aggressors from off grid for the duration of their aggression (this might need tweaked), deduct security status points from aggressors etc etc.

It was pointed out that a tutorial should likely be added as well as an animation for pilots when they undock to highlight the new feature and prevent the “I didn’t know about this” sort of thing from happening.

It was also noted that once implemented such a feature could also be disabled by Developers at will.

Reasons for this could include special events or as a feature for players such as but not limited to structure owners not desiring CONCORD response near their structures.

Devs could also set the feature to be automatically disabled in lo-sec/null-sec etc and could, if they desired, set it to be disabled in incursions/invasions/green or red anomalies etc or for any additional lore reasons given or developed down the line.

I’d suggest that when disabled the red button change to another color with an “X” covering it so the pilot can see they have entered a less safe space.

Possible lore reasons for adding this feature:
CONCORD can no longer deal with the onrush of the new invasions on top of the incursions and is implementing a policy of only responding to deliberate calls for assistance of pilots actually being attacked in hi-sec in luie of monitoring all pilots.
CONCORD will maintain it’s policy of dealing with aggression directly observed at stations, gates and by patrolling units on site of on attack.

As an extension of this policy corporate structure owners may take responsibility for the space around their structures and ask CONCORD to decline all calls for assistance on their grid. Pilots will be able to tell if ongrid assistance has been disabled by observing the large X on the button indicating it will not function or, optionally, the local warp in beacon flashing red. (I’d suggest this be an at will ability in the structure controls)

Only one true police force exists in James 315 territory.

Knights of the new order.

Concord are nothing but A.I bots.

You need to call the police, then contact an agent in game at Minerbumping, or visit minerbumping dot com to learn of your obligations.

relevant to the game since 2012 and still going strong.

praise James 315.


Also thinking that if CCP allows for structure owners to turn off CONCORD response for their grid the function should have a 24 hour cool down listed on the structure.

imagine turning off CONCORD response on grid with TTT and jita gate :thinking:

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