Cormorants and Jackals

Oh, I’m sure they are.

People are just that screwed up.

Seriously, Ms. Tereven, it’s better not to know.

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Oh no

It’s gone alright.

I am now despondent.

Some of these posters are just straightforward indecent, lewd and straightforward gross even without names and faces attached to them.

It’s disgusting. Such visuals MUST be prohibited on public.
Shame on you!

Enough. Enough of this ridiculous spectacle.

You will be hearing from my representatives shortly. I strongly suggest that you comply with the contents of the message you’ll be receiving without hesitation or reservation.


Oh my heart! After those naughty police officers raiding my home and now this?!

You Callous Cormorant, how could you!? I should call you the T-word that Miss Kim is so fond of, but it’s not enough to describe the betrayal you’ve displayed here. And what will the children think, Edward? Those that look up to you, and aspire to be as an up-standing citizen like yourself? Willing to look beyond labels and banners, to see the good and love in even the most misunderstood of us empyreans?

Speaking of which, what of your beloved Jackal? You think my heart is broken, I cannot fathomed what she is feeling right now?! I demand you apologies to her on this public forum at once! 1. If you do I’ll call all this off, no lawsuit, no lost reputation, I promise.

My associates up in Syndicate were big fans of Cormorants and Jackals. And were quite obviously upset when they heard that they weren’t getting their delivery of posters and mugs.

1. Including compensated for my financial and emotional hardships this ordeal has placed upon me.


This can only end well.


At a guess? ‘HAH-ha!’

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You know, I think I know what this is, and it’s very clever, Sir!

Eliminate the competition, that way no one can steal Sahara’s heart that rightly belongs to you. I’m sure it’s hard enough fighting for attention with the flock she has gathered. Looking at you @Kranacoi_Halvora and @Zentron_Kalkoken. (Grrrrrr)

Well do not fret my dear Cormorant! I am will not fight you for your heart’s desire. I am here to be the wind under your wings.

Call off your law hounds and lets win her over together!


Just uh… go somewhere the law can’t touch you, easy.

I might know a place or two~!

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Doesn’t the Federation have some sort of thing about the Freedom of speech and press and what-not?

If so, isn’t well within Julian’s rights to publish trash even if it’s slandering you?

I’m just a poor nobody from the State so I’m not at all up to speed on Federation Citizen rights.


That’s what a freedom of speech is by definition, and that’s why it is illegal in the State.


Browsing through a ladies’ magazine I noticed this advertisement. Mr. Flavours, did you team up with Divinity Social? It makes sense as the torrid romance very much fits in their current marketing theme.


Oh? Might it start with a “P” and like all things in three?

Claiming to be a poor nobody, you’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head. But it wasn’t trash talk or slander that I was spinning. Although it seems Turncoat Adams has seen it that way (Yes you heard! T-U-R-N-C-O-A-T!)

This is beautiful but alas no we hadn’t. I would of loved to work on something collaboratively with them as their products and production value is exquisite.

But as it stands (I know you will all be sad to hear this) but #MantelSaharaYC123 might be cancelled. I’ve found some legal aid who has been happy to help resolve this but it’s clear by the cards that the dishonourable Commander has displayed this won’t end nicely.

On a side note due to losing all my merchandise and means to make isk, I have setup a FundmeGo™ page for all those willing to donate to this ongoing legal battle.

As natural as they come,

Julian ‘Eddie’ Flavours


I have a lot of respect for Commander Adams, that assessment is still pending for Miss Sahara. That being said, I was quite surprised to learn that Adams was looking to silence you. Something the State would do in a heart beat.

Perhaps one can leave the State but the State doesn’t leave you?

Joking aside, anyone who knows you Adams, knows that what Mr. Flavours is publishing about you is utter rubbish. Your reputation speaks for itself, and if they are influenced by a tabloid, then they are people that you probably don’t want to associate with anyway.

And, to preempt Miss Kim. It’s prudent to have a healthy respect for your enemy. Lest one becomes complacent.


The rights of the individual enshrined at the very core of the Federation’s legal apparatus are critical to maintaining a healthy, transparent and vibrant Union. The right of a journalist to cross-examine and question those that are charged through public consent to lead us, the right of the disaffected to raise their grievances to the highest echelons without fear of unjust retribution by a government authority, the right of the individual to profess their beliefs without fear of persecution.

This right, along with the others, enables the Federation to be what it is: a bastion of the spirit of mankind as well as its inexorable guardian from those that would see those rights trampled in the name of their deity or in the name of security.

That said, those rights that we hold dear do not empower another to harm another, or bring another into disrepute without the necessary evidence and substance to support those allegations. Mr. Flavours may have the right to freedom of speech, but I also have the right to dignity, in which I will not have my reputation dragged through the proverbial mud.

That’s just it - not everyone does know me. The Federation is a vast nation of nations with trillions of citizens. Why would I want people to think that I am romantically involved with a Kybernaut that contributed to one of the greatest calamities in the Federation’s history and has caused innumerable amounts of pain for my fellow citizens?

I do not. And I am going through means to seek redress in which I would be expected to as an aggrieved party - through the halls of justice, rather than that the end of a gun as may be commonplace in other areas of New Eden. I will put things right and I will trust the system will see to that.


That would imply that every citizen reads Flavours tabloid, which I’m sure would delight him. But in reality I suspect that a tiny fraction actually does.

This is fascinating, and a rather inspiring way to handle things. And to your earlier point, I agree that you do have dignity to uphold. The fun has run it’s course and this continued “ship” does need to end. For the sake of everyone involved.

Sorry Mr. Flavours, but I’m sure the universe won’t disappoint with new saucy material.