COSMOS Missions and Eve University COSMOS Guide seem to be Broken

I’ll use the thread you reference above rather than post questions here. Keeps it all in one place.


Robikk Gurmurkur - Machine Head - Hjoramold ?

I ask because I have never been able to get this agent to talk to me.

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Yes, if you have the standings required, no problem. My (incorrect) understanding was that COSMOS allowed you to start with Level 1 agent standing and progress to Level 4 agents. I now know COSMOS doesn’t provide for that type of progression.

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It used to be the case - years and years ago (maybe a decade) that a GM would help you progress to the next Cosmos mission if you raised a ticket about it.

However, at some subsequent time they were fixed. Although now they seem to be broken again. I am unsure whether a ticket still works - I did Cosmos back in 2007 or 2008 when they were a ‘new’ feature and worthy of a GM’s attention. As per Fozzie’s statement at Fanfest, they no longer seem too interested in making sure that someone running them can complete them, owing to the general perception that they are just plain ‘broken’.

Epic arcs were, I believe, originally supposed to be a kind of Cosmos 2.0

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There are many guides out there for all aspects of this game since there’s rarely one “right” way to do anything. As for CCP writing guides, that runs counter to the idea of an open-ended sandbox run by players. Guides and 3rd party tools should be for players to make - not developers.

In that vein, since you’re knee deep in COSMOS, feel free to write an updated guide focused on the COSMOS missions based on the lessons you’ve learned and post it to the E-Uni wiki.


You say that like it’s a bad thing.


The thing with Cosmos is that they are one-time only. So most people do them and move on, rarely having the know-how to write an effective guide. The only people who were ever able to do them repeatedly were farming them by using multiple characters.

I agree with Zerek, that’s the idea of the sandbox. When CCP have done guides (e.g. Evelopedia) they quickly become outdated because there isn’t one dev that has the sole responsibility to update it. Hence why Evelopedia was eventually taken down, it was giving the wrong information - Player derived guides are usually much better and consistent because they are regularly updated.

Sorry brother but the ‘guides’ for PvE content in Evelopedia were regularly updated by the playerbase.

The main part that wasn’t updated was the data base section pertaining to equipment stats which was locked by CCP. Over time they ignored the Evelopedia and after doing a lot of tericide changes to ships and modules, decided to use the excuse that it was outdated, saying most players were using Uniwiki instead. Funny thing is at that time most of the info in Uniwiki was copy paste from Evelopedia. Also currently Uniwiki also needs updating.

Overall it was just a bunch of bullcrap, an excuse used by CCP so they wouldn’t have to expend any resources on it.

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Is your plan still up to date DMC? Maybe that will help the OP

Oh @OP I just thought of something. It used to be that the Cosmos agents worked on true standing, not effective standing. When you say you meet the requirements, is it the effective standing or the actual standing?

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Yes, like I said, a few agents required a nudge from CCP to offer their first mission.

However I distinctly remember one agent completely refusing to offer the first mission after being nudged by CCP. After a good prodding by CCP, that agent then offered the 2nd and consecutive missions in it’s series.

Also a couple of the spawned sites for mission items needed to be reset by CCP as well. Overall though I have to say the problems and issues were few and far between, especially after taking into account the vast amount of Agents that were completed.

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Yes, ‘The Plan’ is still viable and the links are up to date as can be expected. Some of the ‘Guides’ linked within ‘The Plan’ are a little different now due to CCP doing a few small changes to Cosmos over the years. Those few small changes aren’t enough to merit a complete rewrite.

The main problem with ‘The Plan’ is it now relies on being accessed via Internet Archives site. That currently prohibits me from making any changes which I know will eventually have to be done. Now when that time arises, I’ll just copy all the relevant info and transfer ‘The Plan’ to Eve Files where I’ll be able to access and update it whenever needed.

Cosmos Agents will accept modified standings for access which is what’s listed in the character sheet.


not at all, the figuring it out process is the best part of eve.

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