OK, I’ve read this entire thread and quite honestly a lot of you are mistaken about Cosmos, how it works or how it’s accessed. I’ve completed every single Empire Cosmos Agent in all 4 high sec Cosmos Constellations. I’ve also completed most of the Empire Cosmos Agents in the 2 low sec Cosmos Constellations (just have 2 Agents left to complete - Amarr and Minmatar Commander Agents)
I’ve done extensive research on every single way there is to gain Faction standings in this game. I created and even worked ‘The Plan’ that was linked in the 2nd post of this thread by @Jenne_Wain (thanks for the complement. ) Like Jenne Wain said, ‘The Plan’ is the ultimate guide pertaining to Faction Standings, both in repairing negative standings as well as boosting positive standings.
What I don’t understand is why the majority of you old farts who know about ‘The Plan’ simply refuse to link it and more importantly, deliberately go out of your way to not even acknowledge or endorse it. For your information the various steps outlined in ‘The Plan’ is still the fastest and easiest way to gain Faction standing.
Also ‘The Plan’ is exactly what the title states, a plan that can be changed and customized to each players specific situation. From time to time I check the info to make sure it’s still viable and current… And guess what, every link in ‘The Plan’ is still accessible. The various ‘Guides’ linked within ‘The Plan’ may be old but the info contained in those guides is for the most part still current, especially since over the years CCP has hardly changed that content.
Cosmos Agents only accept Faction Standing for access and actually require more standing than regular Agents. They accept and give standings modified by the Social skill group, meaning the Connections skill for standing access and the Social skill for standing reward.
When running Cosmos Agents, do not fail, quit, decline or let those mission offers expire. It may lock out access to other Agents within that Cosmos Constellation, especially if those Agents are chained together in a mini story series.
The Amarr Cosmos Constellation is the only one that doesn’t follow the normal progression from level 1 Agents up to level 4 Agents. It has various levels of Agents all chained together in a long story series that jumps back and forth between level 1, level 2 and level 3 Agents.
To easily complete the Amarr Cosmos Constellation, players should start with a Faction standing of +4.00 or higher with the Amarr Empire. Players can easily gain that standing by completing Tag missions for Amarr and Ammatar Agents located at Imperial Data Centers.
Course all that info and more is available in ‘The Plan’, just gotta take the time to read it. Now I will admit there’s a few Cosmos Agents that may need to be coerced into action by CCP which is easily done with a simple Support Ticket. Sometimes even after that, Agents will still refuse to offer their first mission but after prodding by CCP, the Agent would offer the 2nd and following missions within the series.
So basically completing Cosmos can be easily done without much hassle, just need to be prepared first. Also Cosmos Missions are challenging and tougher than regular missions, a level 1 Cosmos mission is like a level 2 regular mission, lv 2 Cosmos is like a lv 3 reg mission, etc. Probably the least known aspect of Cosmos is that each of the Constellations has a very different and entertaining story plot.
Other than the few little bugs associated with Cosmos, the main problem is that Cosmos can only be accessed once in the characters life. CCP needs to update / fix the little bugs and make Cosmos Agents available for access once every year or two.
/end rant