COSMOS Missions and Eve University COSMOS Guide seem to be Broken

ever have customers complain about broken or bugged software , when the problem was they didn’t understand what they were supposed to be doing ? you just did that in your original post …

you don’t say in the op what guide you’re using , this one shows hetras dakumon run before starting stem robikar …
gl …


If this was a game dedicated to Cosmos missions, maybe. But those represent a tiny fraction of the content in this game and, as others have stated, isn’t heavily used. That said, I agree that they should be scrapped or fixed, but it would be hard to justify making it a priority. And if they just eliminated it, there’d be a mighty uproar.

Wow…okay. That seems like a bit of an over reaction based on COSMOS missions being out of date. If you’re really looking for stuff to complain about, you’ll find a lot more significant things than that after spending some time in the game. But you’ll also find a lot that’s really really good that the developers have put a lot of time and effort into. In particular, they’ve been working hard to improve the new player experience. It’s already significantly improved and it will likely be a focus for years to come.

They don’t consistently respond here, but they do seem to read the forums. So do the CSM reps and they have the ability to bring issues up with CCP face-to-face. Messaging the applicable CSM rep, is often the best way to address things like this.

Jin’taan may be the best person from the current CSM to speak to about an issue like this. Here’s a link to his CSM campaign from last year with contact info.

I’ll also point out that CCP is not a large organization. It’s easy to beat up on them when things are broken, but they really do have to prioritize their efforts, just like the rest of us. I sympathize and agree with you regarding COSMOS missions, but I certainly wouldn’t want them sinking a bunch of time into them right now when they could be fixing something of much more significance to a large number of people - like Faction Warfare.

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Sad part is the only good COSMOS ones even back in the day were the Caldari and Amarr ones, as the other two were left unfinished. Used to, there were people that assembled kits, known as “COSMOS kits”, that you would buy and be able to just breeze through the whole thing. You really want your connections/social skill at 5 and so your standings get high enough so the different agents will talk to you. That’s the flakey part at times. There’s the circle mission along with the SOE arc you can go run to get your standings up, or go run the opposite on of the one you are doing i.e. Caldari. Some of the faction should bleed over into the Amarr Empire and may help. There’s may also still be faction grinding services available if you pay for it, or you can just go mission run till you raise it up. I’ve got part of an old kit leftover myself just sitting around, something I guess I will finish one of these days or just sell off the parts.

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Of course, if they were not broken, then maybe more people would try them - sadly that bit of logic does not feature in any CCP decision making processes

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not having standings for a higher level mission doesn’t mean they are broken. I believe they have the same standings requirement as normal missions. And there might be a few that have some corp standing requirement.

That said there may be other problems with COSMOS but last time I ran any was years ago.

you can run them once per character so even if people did run them more, well one and done doesn’t really lead to much running of content. And rerolling alts then grinding standings well that’s a pain in the ass, there’s a few missions where that might be worth it though. There’s a few shiny implants that come from cosmos, but I’m not sure on the specifics.

:slight_smile: Ihakana is a lovely place, where I got my first officer loot to drop

Most of the storyline loot has also been placed in exploration loot tables, so there should still be some source.

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OK, I’ve read this entire thread and quite honestly a lot of you are mistaken about Cosmos, how it works or how it’s accessed. I’ve completed every single Empire Cosmos Agent in all 4 high sec Cosmos Constellations. I’ve also completed most of the Empire Cosmos Agents in the 2 low sec Cosmos Constellations (just have 2 Agents left to complete - Amarr and Minmatar Commander Agents)

I’ve done extensive research on every single way there is to gain Faction standings in this game. I created and even worked ‘The Plan’ that was linked in the 2nd post of this thread by @Jenne_Wain (thanks for the complement. :kissing_heart:) Like Jenne Wain said, ‘The Plan’ is the ultimate guide pertaining to Faction Standings, both in repairing negative standings as well as boosting positive standings.

What I don’t understand is why the majority of you old farts who know about ‘The Plan’ simply refuse to link it and more importantly, deliberately go out of your way to not even acknowledge or endorse it. For your information the various steps outlined in ‘The Plan’ is still the fastest and easiest way to gain Faction standing.

Also ‘The Plan’ is exactly what the title states, a plan that can be changed and customized to each players specific situation. From time to time I check the info to make sure it’s still viable and current… And guess what, every link in ‘The Plan’ is still accessible. The various ‘Guides’ linked within ‘The Plan’ may be old but the info contained in those guides is for the most part still current, especially since over the years CCP has hardly changed that content.

Cosmos Agents only accept Faction Standing for access and actually require more standing than regular Agents. They accept and give standings modified by the Social skill group, meaning the Connections skill for standing access and the Social skill for standing reward.

When running Cosmos Agents, do not fail, quit, decline or let those mission offers expire. It may lock out access to other Agents within that Cosmos Constellation, especially if those Agents are chained together in a mini story series.

The Amarr Cosmos Constellation is the only one that doesn’t follow the normal progression from level 1 Agents up to level 4 Agents. It has various levels of Agents all chained together in a long story series that jumps back and forth between level 1, level 2 and level 3 Agents.

To easily complete the Amarr Cosmos Constellation, players should start with a Faction standing of +4.00 or higher with the Amarr Empire. Players can easily gain that standing by completing Tag missions for Amarr and Ammatar Agents located at Imperial Data Centers.

Course all that info and more is available in ‘The Plan’, just gotta take the time to read it. Now I will admit there’s a few Cosmos Agents that may need to be coerced into action by CCP which is easily done with a simple Support Ticket. Sometimes even after that, Agents will still refuse to offer their first mission but after prodding by CCP, the Agent would offer the 2nd and following missions within the series.

So basically completing Cosmos can be easily done without much hassle, just need to be prepared first. Also Cosmos Missions are challenging and tougher than regular missions, a level 1 Cosmos mission is like a level 2 regular mission, lv 2 Cosmos is like a lv 3 reg mission, etc. Probably the least known aspect of Cosmos is that each of the Constellations has a very different and entertaining story plot.

Other than the few little bugs associated with Cosmos, the main problem is that Cosmos can only be accessed once in the characters life. CCP needs to update / fix the little bugs and make Cosmos Agents available for access once every year or two.

/end rant


The only exploration loot table with Storyline materials are the Hacking sites. Those sites have random drops in very little amounts. The Cosmos Complexes are still the best resource to acquire materials needed for Cosmos BPC’s.


Too much content has already been removed from this game due to that type of viewpoint. What need’s to be done is fix the little bugs and update the missions. Also make the Agents accessible once every year or two. That will definitely incite players to engage in that content a lot more often.

As for your issue with the Amarr Cosmos Constellation, it isn’t a bug, you just don’t have the required standings needed for access.

The main thing to remember in this game:
Information Is King & Conversation Is It’s Queen.

Also don’t forget their children, the 5 P’s = Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.


Exactly this. I shouldn’t have to describe what guide I’ve been using as there should only be one - written by CCP Games, correct?

I’m using the “Amarr COSMOS from UniWiki” guide.

The guide he linked is the best one and was also the ‘Official’ one before CCP shut down Evelopedia. I used that guide when I did the Amarr Cosmos as well as edit and update it while I was running it.

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Amarr COSMOS was recommended to me to raise my standings. I understood (incorrectly) that it would take me progressively from Level 1 agents through to Level 4.

I’ve since noted that the UniWiki guide says:
"The COSMOS demand the player to have high enough faction standing to gain the missions. Corp standing can not be used instead of faction standing. Additionally COSMOS missions require higher standing than normal missions. 2.00 for L2, 4.00 for L3 and 6.00 for L4 (normally 1.00 for L2, 3.00 for L3 and 5,00 for L4). "

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I understand, however the easiest and fastest way to gain Faction standings is to complete the Tag missions for Data Center Agents. Each of the 4 main Empire Factions have their own Data Centers, Amarr is larger than the others because it’s mixed with Ammatar Agents, however those Agents will also give Faction standing increase to Amarr.

The Pirate Dog Tags are rather tough to collect so the best way to complete the Data Center missions is to purchase the Tags before accepting the mission.


I’d like to vote that ‘The Plan’ be pinned at the top of this forum as it’s obvious that standings and missions are intricately linked. I would like to see it used by Eve University as that’s the place many players go for guides.

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Thanks, parts of ‘The Plan’ were actually copied into Uniwiki’s own version of Faction Standing Repair, it’s just not as detailed as ‘The Plan’. Seems they don’t like to acknowledge or commend others who are not directly involved with Eve University.

It was pinned in the old forums and I spoke to ISD about getting it pinned here in the new forums, they said it’s out of their control. I haven’t seen any other threads being pinned so it seems that option is not available…

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CCP writing a guide HAHAHAHAHA!!! Yea that doesn’t happen.

They drop content like a mic and walk off the stage and leave the players to deal with it.

Yes, a bit like a stage full of actors without a script. For PVP that’s exactly what you want. Not for PVE though.

De Michael,
I’ve printed off ‘The Plan’ and am reading it now. It doesn’t format too well when printed from the website. Any chance of updating the PDF you mention at the top?

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The PDF? Not sure what you’re referring to.

In the ‘Faction Standing Repair Plan’ thread, if you follow the instructions you should be able to access ‘The Plan’. I had to link it from Evelopedia with an Internet Archive site. I put a lot of work into ‘The Plan’ and my only mistake was putting it into Evelopedia instead of using a 3rd party site like Eve Files. When CCP shut down Evelopedia, I chose the fastest and easiest way to keep access to ‘The Plan’.

I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have. Actually that’s what the ‘Faction Standing Repair Plan’ thread is for, basically allows that info to be available to other players as well.

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Should I ask questions in this thread?
(The Questions and Answers thread you have in your guide is flagged “Locked Indefinitely”. The last post was in 2016.)

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I was referring to the thread here in these forums. It’s not locked, maybe due to having been posted when these forums were first activated. Or it might be due to ISD because it’s the thread I specifically asked to be pinned, like it was in the old forums.

Anyway, go ahead and ask since this is your thread.

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