COSMOS Missions and Eve University COSMOS Guide seem to be Broken

Having completed the Sisters of Eve Blood Stained Stars epic, I’ve made a start on the COSMOS Amarr PVE series to raise my standings further. Commencing the series per the guide with Hefaka Chubid, Mamin Chouka, Chari Shakai, and Stem Robikar, I am upon completion of Stem Robikar’s quests. asked to continue the series with Torval Kerth who informs me my standing is too low.

So, I try to continue with the next agent listed in the guide, Nossa Farad (Lvl 3) to be informed again that my standing is too low.

There is one level 2 COSMOS agent I haven’t tried - Hetras Dakumon.

Would completing Hetras Dakumon’s quests get me to the required standing or do I have to find level 2 agents outside of COSMOS to attain a level 3 standing?

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The ultimate guide to building standings is “The Plan”:

Read through that material, and it will give you a lot of great info on the most efficient way to build up your standing.

Also, this file is incredibly helpful in your progress:

It is a bit dated, but still accurate and functional as far as I know (save a local copy for you to edit). This also has a section that will give you the proper sequence in which to look for agents for the COSMOS missions as well as notes on what you need, what you will do for them, locations, and standings required.

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Thank you for the guides, much appreciated. I had assumed that the cosmos series would take me step by step from one agent to another in sequence from level 1 through to level 4. I’ll study the material you’ve linked and have another go.


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There are lots of glitches with COSMOS agents. It’s something that hasn’t had any attention in years (if not a decade).

No problem. COSMOS agents are not linear and because of the sequence and items that are needed, it can be troublesome to keep it straight. This should help. As @Arthur_Aihaken mentions, there are some bugs and issues, but this will hopefully help you steer clear of at least some of those problems.

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Yes, I’ve figured that one out - unfortunately. You would think Eve On Line was a freeby and keeping missions up to scratch was a favour by CCP. However we’re all paying good money for this.

I wonder what would happen if I raised a ticket? (probably nothing)

The Icelandic government consumer affairs organisation is at
I wonder if enough of the 30,00 plus Eve players complained they’d take an interest?

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The content is old and not enough players do these any longer, so the odds that they will be fixed are essentially nil (CCP Fozzie essentially said as much at Fanfest), so I’d suggest just taking it for what it is.

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If anything I see them scrapping them (unless that’s more work than just leaving them in place).

Fair enough. I feel that if there is very little interest, CCP should advise it’s customers that due to such little interest, COSMOS missions will be removed. I’ve spent several hours so far on COSMOS and I’m not a happy customer.


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Trust me. Anyone who’s run any of the COSMOS missions isn’t a happy camper. Except for maybe the low-sec players that perpetually haunted that one system in Caldari space.

Rather than admit failure, CCP has a tendency to just stop supporting features they introduced that became unpopular.

Yes, as I replied to Jenne, they should be scrapped or fixed.

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The legacy code in EVE is so old that even scrapping old features often has unintended (and game breaking) consequences. There’s a reason POS replacement has taken over 2 years…

Does CCP have a forum they respond to?

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Not really as such. Occasionally they will chime in on various topics (particularly Dev threads), but they’re usually fairly quiet. They seem to be more active on Reddit but only marginally so.

There’s not a CCP Dev “ask me anything” forum, if that’s what you were hoping for…

Yes, as an old neckbeard (former software developer) I know what happens when the original developers leave, die, etc.

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Yep. I don’t disagree with you here.

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OP suspicions confirmed. Tried doing them as directed in virtually every available guide and on an alt that never touched COSMOS.

Results: COSMOS are broken AF.

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Did you run into the same issue, or something else?

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CCP is gradually replacing all NPC Ai’s. Some day, it could take years, COSMOS game mechanics will get their turn to be overhauled and replaced, in CCP’s ongoing effort to update the game code.

New players aren’t sucked into a game based on fixes to stuff they have never used. “Be the first to do this thing” in a 15 year old game, works much better. So every expansion has to include something new, alongside fixes that attempt to keep current players happy.


The problem with “just remove COSMOS” is that there are a lot of existing storyline modules out there in the wild. Do you delete these? Do you leave them in, with a “when they are gone they are gone” type attitude? What about all the bpc’s that are kicking around for the storyline modules that require items only found in the COSMOS sites? Do you remove them as well ?

What about the small lore hints that are buried in these? Especially for the Sleepers and Talocan? These feed the current storyline happening now in game.

It is not quite as simple as “just remove them”.

Btw I am not saying that COSMOS does not have its issues because it has a metric f**k ton of them (I have run all Minmatar, Gallente and Caldari COSMOS) but removing them is not the answer, they need some dev time love.