"Could not copy files for Tranquility"

That’s the error code i’m receiving, highlighted in a red box, when I try to start the client for any of my characters. Anyone have a clue? I’ve rebooted twice in attempts to make the error go away. Thanx.

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Having same issue as of today.

Literallly unplayable.

Seems to have happened since the last few hours. Can’t log in to the game at all. Just keep getting this error message: Could not copy files for Tranquility

Same issue for me and support not replying to ticket sent 4 hours ago

I saw this fix on the forums from last year. It works for me.

Sep '17

If there are no reported problems then please try the following steps. Please note that this will erase the accounts from the launcher and you will have to relog them.
Close the launcher if it is running.
Please press the windows key + R to open a run window.
Copy and paste the following into the run window and press enter.
Right click on the folder named ‘cache’ and delete it.
Right click on the folder named ‘QtWebEngine’ and delete it.
Start the launcher and see if the issue persists.

From the thread from CCP Mechanic. I did this and the problem was resolved.

All I had to do was delete ‘QtWebEngine’ and was fixed

I ran into this. I ended up using “Shared Cache” -> Verify, and when it was done, it seemed to download a couple files, and it was fine.

Open Settings -> Shared Cache Settings -> Verify and Permissions… solved my problem.


That was easy

That was even easier. Gave me an 18.5MB download on re-opening launcher, and then it worked as normal.

Thanks for the collective help on this thread. Community, helping itself.

I love you man.

Had this same problem today. Reboot but still couldn’t login. Then tried this…

From the launcher click ‘OPEN SETTINGS’
Then ‘Verify’

Everything back to normal now…

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Thx, now i can login.

Just opening the settings was enough for me, somehow removed the blocking… :crazy_face:

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