Criminals and gank failures

You don’t pvp.

He has lots of losses that players also get involved in.

Far easier to see with someone like this:

Only 11 losses, but you can see far more than that on his first page alone.

With Kusion, he is so active that his losses are always going to include killmails that players get involved in, which then do count towards the stats, because of player involvement.

Confirmed with this one.

OK, makes sense, I just assumed it was not shown in the efficiency %, but it is even more lame than that. Keyboard (Killboard, damn phone) padding at its best then.

Sure. So why would your opinion be that it’s only logical to reason not to post losses to zkill is to avoid their efficiency being affected?

I explained it, do keep up. I tend to look at number of kills and losses only.

But it does explain the upset at CONCORD whoring then…

What even is keyboard padding?

LOL auto-correct on my phone. I will leave that for lol’s I am catching up with Githany Red with this. One of the few times I have used my phone on the Eve website and look what it does to me.

I mean for me personally it’s not being upset in the least… It’s more just amazement that someone would sit with my fleet for hours while I gank as targets present themselves and the only thing they do is whore on a concord killmail. That’s killboard padding.

I know it does not bother you, you are an all round ganking superstar and hard man player, but some gankers go positively gaga at it.

Funny enough you have single handily changed Blackflag into being perceived as a ganking alliance. LMAO. You and Toxic are both diplos, marvellous stuff.

Can I join the ganking? I have a tornado toon.

You wish it were so :smiley:

Oh friend, you’re so cute. I just imagine you furiously krabbing alone in your hole, typing feverishly at your keyboard.

You know what makes me smile bruv? I truly enjoy playing the game. I enjoy the forums. I am content with my lot in EVE life right now.

But you? You may or may not be making the big bucks, your narrative tends to waffle. But while I am solo right by choice, I do not feel it is the same for you.

You are angry and hostile and grumpy. I’m fairly certain your corp kicked you to the curb. So I pity you friend :smiley: And you ask, well why wouldn’t I come to try and find you in your hole?

You aren’t worth the time bruv :smiley: Its much more fun here :smiley:

See, you’re gonna pawn this off as being British. But in reality, just being sexist again :smiley:

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Excellent if you do, it will be good to see ganking fleets with more than one player in them. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I could bring 4 Tornados :thinking:

No. /5chars

And there I was thinking you were using Thrashers?

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It gave them a lot less worthwhile targets, so is not all bad…

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Or you could just advise players to mine away from trade hubs and when they have valuable commodities to take to market set up a hauling contract with decent collateral. Then they wont even need to think about Gankers. Probably ill only see 2 or 3 in a month.

But as I keep saying you wont do that. Because its not in your interests. You cant white knight doing that.

You cant have anti-ganking without ganking. So its in your interests to encourage people to haul stuff through ganking hot spots because that creates content for Gankers and in turn that creates content for anti-Gankers. It’s why its very difficult to take the anti-ganking cause seriously. So you dress up advice (which is decent enough) and make it all seem more complicated than it needs to be to give them a feeling of security…….when in actuality you are just setting them up as content bait.

IF you guys really cared about the quality of life of new players or even inexperienced long term players then it would be more about teaching them where the best places to fish are. Instead you hand them a fishing rod and point at a puddle of your own p*ss and tell them to get on with it and when they still have problems ……you get on your soap box and declare that its because Gankers have all the advantages and that these players need you to restore the balance. Presumable by making a bigger puddle?


Whoring in on CONCORD killmails is about as respectable as when you find a group of players on opposite teams in a corner of the map, repeatedly killing and reviving each other to farm ranks and raise their KDR in an FPS game.

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There must be a special kind of crazy today…

It is quite clear now why gankers get so hot under the collar about AG shooting gankers who will lose their ships anyway. The kill will now be included in their killboard statistics and efficiency stats because a player was involved. And they are complaining because their zKillboard looks so much worse due to this, without those players shooting them they would not even be recognised as losses. In fact this is a damn good reason to shoot gankers…

Another poster has decided that the reason for ganking occurring is the existence of Anti-Ganking, it is also the fault of White Knights that people move stuff through choke points to and from a market hub. It is also the fault of AG that people decide to move their own stuff, and it is also AG’s fault that many set up near market hubs, perhaps it is also our fault that people mine ice too.

When you give them hauling advice you are merely setting them up to be content.

I must admit to reading that post five times and finding it funnier each time I read it, my wife even started to laugh at the look on my face which went from stupefied to incredulous…

Quoted because why not…

I think you need to read it another 5 times because you obviously arnt getting it lol