How about speaking out to the people actually doing it…rather than acting like you are Grand Inquisitor on a mission to duck everyone in the mill pond to see if they float or not ? Who called for you to burst in the door like the Spanish Inquisition ? You have no more actual authority than anyone else. Act like it.
You don’t have to answer Which is an answer And we all know what that answer is.
I do, all the time They’ve claimed they’ve blocked me. I find your hysterical deflections hilarious tho. Thinking it’ll distract from everyone seeing where you stand on the issue?
The witch finder general haha, but really that is the lvl of his interrogation , so if we don’t drown why being help under water we get burnt alive . Of course you know what this type of hunt was use for really , the very same as Gix is doing
Gix is using a combination of two fallacies…loaded question and guilt by association.
A ‘loaded question’ doesn’t necessarily have to be of the ‘have you stopped stealing candy bars yet ?’ sort to which you incriminate yourself either way. It can be a situation where the mere asking of a question implies guilt…a prime example being Senator McCarthy and his ’ are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party ?’ Hence the link with guilt by association.
It has a long history…McCarthy…Robespierre…Salem…The Inquisition…etc, etc.
Asserting that the person could simply answer ‘no’ misses the point. The smear is already made, Yes…it is the level of the old witch trials. And it is absolutely disgusting that anyone using such tactics could seek to claim any sort of moral superiority when such usage makes them as bad as, if not worse than, those they seek to condemn.
In the end, everyone saw McCarthy, Robespierre, etc, etc, for what they really were. Not glorified advocates of morality…but just over-inflated bullies.