These weren’t merely ganks. These were necessary mercy killings.
Hadn’t even looked at the zkill that was linked to notice that. Thanks for making me look and laugh.
You can have this guy. I’ll miss him but tbh, he’s kinda an ass.
And no he’s not chonky, that’s just camera angle.
MacGybo said he doesn’t have time for forum losers, but he wanted to send you a message, so that you can properly evaluate your ‘victory’ over him.
Man, I haven’t seen Aiko this salty before, what happened here, lol.
Dunno but Your Awesum Brutha
I wouldn’t say salt. I would say its more of AG being out of touch with reality over a space vidya game.
You see, they claim victory if gankers aren’t in system 24/7 ganking. But that simply isn’t feasible considering its a vidya game.
Its why they ignored @Etch_Masuka’s question because it of course got them dead to rights.
The facts is that “AG” barely stops gankings at all. If they coordinated more, they could have more of an impact.
Every time I debate posting my AG guide, that if they actually did the work and followed it, they would have a much bigger impact.
In reality, they should campaign for war decs to be reverted to the old way. That way they could simply dec SAFETY.
But they wouldn’t
I am sure someone like Dracvlad would step up to lead the AG fleets to victory against the combined forces of BF, RIOT, CAPSTEXT, Bully Brigade, Pain and Compliance, and all of the bored high-sec members of Goonswarm, Pandemic Horde, and Fraternity. Heck, most of those wouldn’t even undock if he’d show up in local.
AG has never been in touch with reality. After all, they scream victory because the ganker that ganked them got CONCORDED. But crying on the forum is a Dracvlad-level activity. I remember times when we would gank Knowledgeminer because he dared to interfere with our ganks. These days I see an entire Safety/Fraternity fleet gets dunked in Uedama because they didn’t bring ECCM scripts.
And then I check the killboard and see that out of all people LowPower Solutions / R.E.M.N.A.N.T.S | Corporation | zKillboard tears them a new one. Remember that guy? Aiko used to make fun of him and now even he performs better against AG. That’s just sad.
Now that is just stupid, you know what happened before , we only talked about it a short time ago , do you really not know the game mechanics or do you just play dumb when it suits you.
Btw I want to see your AG guide
No no no that’s not just low power , that’s old hell dawn , they attack us more than any other ganker group , always have low power just joined them
I think you should re-read my post until you understand it
I know you do
Oh I believe I struck a delicate nerve to deserve such a response!
Please calm down and realize that we all play this game in the manner we wish, why else would people play the game? Just because you play in one way doesn’t mean that they play it wrong. Maybe you should step away from the game for awhile, you seem stressed out.
Are you ok dear princess? How can you claim that I’m a nobody but you know that I’m not a ganker?
Please princess enough of this tantrum, starting to get worried about your stress level. Tweep down a little and relax.
No this is my current main, who are yours?
Don’t be silly. I don’t need to ‘hunt’ them. There’s 4 within d-scan range right now. A 21 day old noob, like the one Mr Serious zonked, wont have a clue what a Catalyst is. And even if he did…noobs wont have learned yet to mine on the other side of the asteroid belt to the landing point. Even more to the point…all I have to do if he does flee is note which asteroid he’s mining at and place a bookmark there.
Then all I have to do is return to that point, lock, and hit F1. Wallop.
Was there some ‘mechanics’ to this ? Or maybe you’re the sort of person who finds a microwave incredibly complex to use.
You aren’t playing the game.
You are a nobody.
Yes I do, and you show once again that you should ask people things you don’t understand, its sadly the curse of the youth, to think they understand what they can’t fully grasp. Even as I see you falling lower and lower and soon you will have totally gotten evolved into a full fledged cheerleader, I still believe there is hope for you and I will answer your question and try to explain things that confuses you.
Why? can you her saltiness give some example to why I’m not playing the game? or why I’m a nobody and why it’s so important to her? Not everybody have the need to try and be relevant like her highness.
Some people are natural born losers.
Cool and clever response, but why are you so angry lately?
I find the beeping extremely disorienting and upsetting.