Keep it up ! I’m making a small fortune selling Void S, and Ion Blasters.
See…I win either way.
Keep it up ! I’m making a small fortune selling Void S, and Ion Blasters.
See…I win either way.
Considering the price of Void S, I think you are kind of cilly.
Maybe less bluster, and less exaggeration, would be a good way to approach life?
Who are buying the Ion Blasters?
All sorts, but I see in my transactions list that quite a few are gankers. Neutron blasters don’t sell so well, its the Ion Blasters that sell best. Void S sells really well, but you need a lot of it to make any profit.
Uh that was a whole lot of words for saying absolutely nothing LOL.
What cheer the truth? You claim she isn’t making money, yet I have seen her do it.
You can’t explain it cause you’re wrong bucko
Cope as the young’ns say.
I mean you’d know if you played
…well, there was an implicit ’ and other things ’ at the end of my sentence. I just didn’t want to say what they were.
No not really no, do you?
Ok, just as a little experiment to show you some facts ( ). I will pull a random weeks killmails where Aiko is final blow or has top damage.
here is the killmails:
total dropped value from these ganks(aka profits):
89 377 211,23 isk
Most of them are carried out by at least 5 x t2 Catalysts (worth est: 60m ISK total)
7 days of Omega time is 125plex( costs at current market price: 367,500,000 ISK and comes to a total of 1,837,500,000 ISK)
So to summarize the cost of the ganks:
60,000,000 x 10 (I just let the two times they used t1 out of the calculation)
1,837,500,000 in Omega time
Total of: 2,437,500,000 ISK in costs
So profit in “dropped value” = 89 377 211,23
Minus the cost to do the ganks = -2,348,122,788,77
If you are nice to me I can do it some time when I have time on a larger scale, and I’m sure it will show somewhat the same.
Let the spinning begin!! (Also I believe I will excuse me from this thread, as it is OP’s desire to show off their work, if you want me to clarify something above please contact me in-game or make a new thread about it)
Fly Safe Boys and Girls (And Boys with Voice Changers) o7
Wow, you are obsessing hard right now.
You forgot to factor in the value of the SP trained, which can be extracted and sold, and also the loot from the Catalysts, and the salvage from the wrecks.
Doesn’t count
He didn’t even include the income from mining permits, lol!
I’m frankly amused that someone would think inheriting the CODE. empire hasn’t been an absolute gold mine. This is literally an alliance of people who gank empty freighters. I am never going to run out of Catalysts. The price is ZERO.
My accountant just carved a pentagram into his chest with a rusty X-ACTO knife and jumped out of the 19th floor window…
Uh huh. Yet you didn’t look at all the other kills where she made a ton of profit.
You realize ganking is a mix between ganks for lulz and ganks for profit so you can gank more for lulz right?
Quafe you’re bad at this game And that’s why you’re running now LOL.
Thankee for conceding defeat
My guess is that Don Pickle is either a failed ganker, or friends with a failed ganker, and they sit around thinking bitter thoughts, and trying to console themselves that at least Aiko didn’t become insanely rich when she inherited the CODE. empire.
“reeeeeeee but my spreadsheet says you can’t possible be making profit!”
Also, do forget the most important asset gained.
Making new friends, spending time with your old friends on comms and if you’re a multi-boxer with 5+ alts, spending time with yourself, shut up in a basement, with empty bag of cheetos lying by your chair, licking the cheeto-dust off your fingers and chasing it down with a can of RC cola!
There are some things, ISK just can’t buy.
You should be eating a Moon Pie with RC Cola, no?
How can you NOT make a profit when failed brain surgery victims fly around in vanilla fit Corvettes with a Bil + of junk in their hold.
I prefer a creme pie instead.
Are referring to prepackaged abominations found at gas stations and convenience stores that should be eradicated from space and time, or the ones that grandma bakes with love and that little extra pinch of sugar?