Criminals and gank failures

@Don Pickle We’re missing the whole point here I think.

Some miners pay for protection and then others just send isk to cover those costs that you had started to point out.
(removed image as no permission was given to display such)

Huh ?

I bought 500 PLEX yesterday…it was £16.99…and it converted to about 1.3bn ISK

OMEGA for me is £10 a month…so is about 760m ISK…for an entire month. Which is 177m ISK a week, for one person…less than half what you quote.

The few times I have actually watched ganking, its been like in those Attenborough documentaries where you want to shout ’ there’s a lion behind you ! Stupid wildebeast ! '.

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And unknowingly, you hit the nail square on the head.

That’s the argument that Aiko has been making all along. AG fails because the people they are trying to protect are, well, stupid (in game mechanic and game play) and lazy.

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Wow that ganking calc was amazing. Please go through my ■■■■ and tell me how hard i am failing. @Don_Pickle

I play a bunch of paradox games and suddenly nado/rupture ganking in Uedama is declared dead haha! That was really flattering guys, thanks. Been wanting to try out other areas like Hek/Amarr etc. but i am always too lazy to do the logistics. I bet you are gonna claim to have evicted me even if I announce it in advance. :joy:

‘AG’ today was especially cold towards a new player. This poor soul wandered into Uedama starting to happily mine…


Naturally my paranoia made me think this was some despicable ploy by AG-cyber-terrorists to lure poor me into a trap! Especially since there was no comment by those ‘AG-heroes’ undocked. Surely, the self declared ‘good guys’ would not let some poor noob mine in Uedama of all places?

If this truly were some sinister AG trap, what horrors could await me? What terrible things could they do to me? Even worse was the spectre of failure. The pressure to win! If this was to be my glorious return to ganking after not ganking for 24h hours, failure was not an option. Was it worth it to try? The danger to FAIL?

As everyone knows, Uedama AG is super effective at what they are doing, as you can probably read in this thread. They will not only shoot your pods after a gank, but do some damage to ships before they get concorded. This is really scary and creates a lot of pressure. Sometimes they will do super clever things like logi or ecm with a griffin, that can only be countered by highly difficult & expesnive things. (like another griffin)

Even worse sometimes (nearly always) you forget that AG is even there, and then you do things like forget about ECM, scripts, logi, bumpers etc. They manage this because they are really expert ninja like, so you barely notice them until they made you fail really hard!

I barely log in because of them. They are really scary! What if this was just another trap by AG to make me fail?


But the behaviour was just too suspicious. If true, this was some real criminal ■■■■, and a returner newbro better is set straight asap. It’s only merciful before their behaviour get’s too bad. It is the human thing to do.

A formal investigation was started and a undercover agent dispatched:


Agent XYZ soon discovered the culprit happily stealing ore right in Uedama, the regional SAFETY. headquarter. Gross!

Long story short, poor returner/newbro-miner is down to 11mil ISK:

But the self declared ‘AG-heroes’ didn’t care about that. Not a peep of a warning what might befall a criminal in this system. What terrible justice awaits those found stealing.

There were no kind words of advice or tips how to escape this CCP-made scam called mining. No that was left to the overworked SAFETY. agents. (again)


Yah, that’s what gets me.

These fake whiteknights act like they care about new players so much, but they do like nothing for the new players, they even gank the new players who buy permits, and then they invest all their time and effort into defending nullbloc freighters.

And don’t forget, starting threads where they congratulate themselves and give each other prizes.

Yeah-nah… Tama mining after reset is where to sneak.

Ok all this, in lack of a better word, “spinning” pulled me back for one more reply.

But you didn’t inherited anything… there was no CODE. Empire to inherit, that’s why you left and made your own thing. We have it from good sources, you yourself has said so multiple times.

Further the new system with no SRP and that the FC deals out the ships and gets all the loot don’t really scream “I inherited an empire”. And as you usually don’t FC the bigger fleets you also don’t get the bigger loot.
But as I said before you turned into her saltiness, I don’t care why you gank, I think its funnier when you do it as a character but you seem to have left all the RP behind you lately, the old you wouldn’t whine about that you was the only one ganking procurers and it ruins you…

At least in the past you always got ships to gank with… well well enough time spent on you on to the next,

It’s a very low amount that does, and showing a print screen of a single low value transaction from last month don’t prove anything else than that you personally gave Aiko a few ships.

I think you should check the math again, and you got ripped off if you got 1.3bn

I took the plex value from eve marketeer if you wish to double check it, your calculation is flawed as OMEGA isn’t equal to 500 plex.

thank you its very easy with the excellent Redisq service that Squizz Caphinator delivers, you can use something like pandas to quickly get a dataframe up and filter and calc and voila! I’m more then happy to teach you if you wish, it takes very little time, I use it mostly to get pointers on the market.

Yes thank god that gankers never done that!

Now again, a thousand apologize to @Githany_Red for indulging in this derailing I bid you all good night

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The abominations. Made in Chattanooga, I think; although they’re probably shipped in from China, at this point.

Well I am only one player out of many.

Could not miss the warp core stabs in that contract of yours, jumping gates is becoming a bit more of a lottery I see.

And I should advise Destiny that sarcasm like that does not really work, anyone with a brain will realise that the Vagabond moment was a rare event and was just after we blew up a fleet of Leshaks. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The fact that you think gankers land at the belt marker and slowboat to their target is telling. Try catching Lewak and let us know how that goes.

Wow another ganker fail:

And the freighter lived!

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Imagine an activity in Eve that doesn’t have a 100% success rate. There is a word for that isn’t there………


Well, that was an entertaining read :laughing:

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If that’s true, that’s cool. I learned something new. American made!

Okay, because they are pretty disgusting, I’ll amend my post.

Licking the cheeto dust off their fingers, tipping back RC cola and snarfing down prepackaged moon pies!

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Sigh. I was specifically talking about solo cases. You know….solo…like whatever neuron you use to think.

Aside from a top 20 alliance…

Hahaha, that’s what bitter failed wannabe gankers always complain about.

Let me guess, you joined a gank fleet, didn’t make any money, some big dog ate all the food, and you are such a beta you had to make a crybaby alt? Sad!

Why the attitude? I’m trying to offer you helpful advice based on experience, but you clearly think you know better. Maybe do some research before slinging insults around.

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