Criminals and gank failures

Yah, it’s a good question. A lot of people have offered Cilly help, advice, or even tried to fleet up with her in good faith. She’s stuck on the yappity know-it-all train.

Your last post reminded me of someone called Help Desk anyone know if she still plays, sorry to go off on a tangent then.

So, Anti-gankers, the epitome of virtue throughout the Cluster are going to stoop down to ganker forum tactics?


Ok folks. How does one spend 4 Bil on a ship and not do a little simulate ship theory crafting. The Bowhead SCREAMS to be hull tanked. Nothing else makes any sense. But no matter what nuttiness you do with it, how can you NOT FIT RIGS???

Stupid Bowhead

215K EHP!!

You can beat that by putting nothing but a Damage Control II on the ship. Good grief.

Oh no…

@Aiko_Danuja, remember our talk yesterday? :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

But you are not helping by ‘responding’ to something completely different to what I actually said. In the original comment I was specifically referring to Mr Serious and his solo gank of a 21 day old noob.

Lol…well I messaged my corp 5 times to say ‘here is where Aiko is’…but did the cavalry show up ?

We was close you should have said , we spotted her dock but was busy tracking other targets sorry

The main ganking was in Elonaya. I’ll have to look and see if I have NEPF set to good standing…though corp standings often over-ride individual ones. Which is one problem my AG alt wont have.

I couldn’t accept your fleet invite when I passed through Elonaya…as I was merely in a shuttle at the time, and actually heading in the opposite direction to get to Jita.

And…a lot of people have actually helped.

See this is what I don’t understand, why did you mark our Princess with Red?

Corp standings. I guess Aiko must have ganked too many AO ships.


Absolute Honor officer admits mercenary campaign against alliance “massively successful.”

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I have set the status to Good standing along with the likes of Edencom, so I will know to never shoot at even in the heat of battle.

Nah…the bad standing was already there when I joined AO in October :slight_smile:

Oh man you went all short story on him, must’ve really inspired you



Absolute Honor members demoralized after taking crushing losses in campaign spanning multiple months.

They kill my logi drones if nothing else not me, cause i am not that close.

My nutty fit i played around with on the test server has like 850k ehp heated, so they sure can be tanked, but many seems to give no f’s

Destiny desperate for victory after spending 1 trillion ISK on a campaign to swat Cilla Cybin’s Venture at Oipo and stop her taking shuttles to Jita. Our news reporter Dick Dastardly said ’ she is going to stop that pigeon, sorry, shuttle, even if it costs her last ISK '. Reporter’s dog Muttley said ‘woof’. Miss Cybin was last seen hanging out with with the hired assassins in a station nearby.

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