Fake news.
@Cilla_Cybin This guy is the only AG in the whole game who is worth his salt.
He is the real deal.
For declaring fake news as fake, you are hereby been put into my optional 30 min ban list.
I hope that teaches you not to fake, fake news.
The bit about the station is true, though. Ironically I went to the station to avoid Safety, as I saw them in Local and thought they’d be at the next gate…only to find they were at the station I went to
What ship is used ? Is this the tactic of using ECM bursts to stall the flashies until Concord gets them ?
He usually reps them.
In the good old days being in station with murderers would have initiated a round of station games. “Ah crap, did I make an insta warp here?”
Our Ewar seems to be working well with his reps but as Gix said he is the rep king with a skill at spotting the gank target in time
I am mostly flying an Osprey or Guardian depending on the amount of gankers active.
I read in the AG chat channel over the past few days, of several gank failures in Uedama, way to go guys, you rock.
Like I said somewhere , our new ships seem to be working well, especially with the Thotamon effect add in , we even had a rage quit, from one group , or it looked like it
I’ve been seeing you guys around New Caldari and down to Osmon in ever larger numbers , well done for trying , I watched for a while , it must be hard work trying to intercept those gankers.
Personally I feel a lot more confident now…and finally ready for some AG action rather than just spouting on about it. I’ve moved a number of ships up to Sivala…plus I have an AG Venture ( just for fun…it will very likely get zapped ) already in Uedama and armed with cannons. I must get a screen shot of it being demolished…as it will look good on a ‘Long Live The Resistance !’ thread here…with me dying as a martyr for the ‘Stuff Your Mining Permits’ cause. That may well be today.
@Phat_Phil Have I told you lately that you are amazing?
I’ll tell my guys to look out for you
Ultimately I found Safety in Isanamo…and I checked all the gates and the belts and could not find where they were there, so I assumed they must be in a station ( like yesterday ). Anyway, that gave me time to go off to Jita and set up several Slashers and a Moa. I was also very impressed, later, with how well my souped up Condor coped in very close PvE combat…literally my ship and the npc spinning round each other at 500m, yet my missiles still hit.
Maybe this is common knowledge…but I also found that one can hit F1 before locking on the target, and as long as the missile is still in its cycle…it will fire as soon as the lock occurs.
You want to check zkill for their latest kills , try and find the system there are ganking in , it will be where their scout is , remember they have to have scout and treacherous ruffians to look for targets for them as they are flashy red .
If you can find the route they travel try and intercept them on the way to a gank with your fast locking slasher, you only have to hold them at gate why faction police kill them
Wow, gankers are so bad at their job:
Can’t even clear 0 ISK killrights…
To be fair linking failures like such should also contain a money shot Crane | Shimarri | Killmail | zKillboard
Haha, ganker fail!