But you need to prove that he actually was able to loot that…
Here is a great example of people not looting what they ganked:
And that was a ganker failure too.
But you need to prove that he actually was able to loot that…
Here is a great example of people not looting what they ganked:
And that was a ganker failure too.
It reads Solo Killmail.
So not looting is concidered a fail? I hadn’t thought that was the reason why people do it.
If a ganker is unable to get the loot it is a fail. White Bull were the ones to have ganked the freighter, but they were too slow to grab the loot because I was there so another ganker grabbed it instead and then lost it. So two ganker losses for the price of one freighter in fact. That was a decent win in my book.
Welcome to ganking where one person pushes the goalpost lmao
Today I learned that losing 32b in a -1.0 system is somehow both related to ganking and is also a failure for the person who killed it.
Today you learnt that checking dates is always a good thing to do.
It was a ganking failure.
You chaps get so upset on any success by AG, it is awesomely funny…, all I need now is Destiny to jump in about me bragging and I will have the full set. Perhaps we could have a medication insult thrown my way while we are at it?
Have you taken your meds today?
Haha now you fail at posting your giffs it’s to big
Another gank failure just there.
Saying that is true but have you tried grabbing loot in 1.0 like jita , we popped a tornado I was 15km from it as it went pop, by the time I got there , a swarm of looters and salvages had removed all trace of any battle and where all watching me slow boat to the spot of the wreck why sipping tea in the station canteen
This is a sick kill
I used to leave loot grabbing to others, I knew several people who were pretty skilled at it.
Very much so, I really enjoyed that.
Ah yes, the gankers who tell me that podding someone in Uedama is ‘irrelevant’…yet who have killboards that consist 50% of podding people.
Can you explain something to me…
During the 15 minute timer after combat…do I have to just hang about in an asteroid belt or something ? What do you guys do ? I just put the afterburner on and aimed at empty space…but some guy in a Gila approached. As I cannot actually see it myself…does that mean I was myself all flashy during that period ?
Keep an eye on the top left of the screen you will see your status there. If the person you shot was flashy red or flashy yellow you will have a limited engagement with that person only, if he was flashy red then he has a fifteen minute timer from the time of his criminal act where he cannot do anything as he will be attacked in a ship, if yellow they can reship and attack you, bear in mind that timers can be different. There are activities that you could have done that will get you flashy yellow like looting a wreck that did not belong to you which would enable everyone to attack you.
So what did you actually do and with who?
I’m a bit puzzled as the killboard is missing some stuff. I went to Uedama with my AG account, saw Githany was there…looked around but could not find her. Then warped to 70km from the Juunigaishi gate and there was ganking going on. I hit afterburner and zoomed in and podded one of the flashy reds from 20km or so away. But oddly, there is no killboard record of him losing his Coercer…only of me podding him.
Ironically, the guy was a former Absolute Order member.
He was killed by gate guns and probably not registered with Zkill so the Coercer kill won’t show.
Ah…that’s probably because he’d just podded someone else a minute earlier.
As he was FR you could shoot him no issue, he would have a limited combat timer with you but it would be pretty much around the same time as you shot him. You did not go suspect with that and were totally safe.
The ones you have to watch out for are FY, you shoot them and they can come back out and go after you, if you click on the icons top left detailing the limited timer you can see how long and who it is with.
I think Raylan is correct on what happened to his destroyer.