Criminals and gank failures

And the bait ones. My first killboard record as Altara was me losing an Algos as I attacked a bait Nereus. A useful experience, though…all very cordial and he gave me lots of good advice.

Wow, this story gets better everytime you tell it.


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It is. But then you’ve probably gotten so gnarled and used to killing 200 a day…that you’ve forgotten your first kill.

I remember my first kill, but it wasn’t an empty pod, it didn’t take me months to get it, and I didn’t spam the forums to boast about a meaningless ‘victory’.

Definitely gnarly…

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This forum OUGHT to be full of noobs celebrating their victories…it would encourage more to join Eve…rather than the same gnarled vets hankering on about the glory years from their trillion ISK ivory towers.


Ok, but could you at least try to up your game?

You’ve been playing for months now, so empty pods are a little beneath you - it’s time to at least try and whore on one of those corvettes.


My puny starting steps will turn into something formidable.

I’ve heard that before…

Here’s a tip - less forum bluster, more undocking.

A bit ironic…as I spent most of the past week passing you in Isanamo area, going in a shuttle to Jita and returning with a fully fitted Slasher or Sunesis or whatever. I did try to find your lot and do battle, but you were the ones hanging out in a station.

Sorry, I don’t battle with alts - only mains.

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Hi , sorry I was sneaking around cloaked , I mean doing courageous undercover work , watching gankers at their tether .

Btw did you open up a chat with me , if so sorry I rejected it , was in a fleet and needed to concentrate

You battle my alt, should I be honoured?

So it’s okay for one other to focus on mostly pod kills as a profession (you know whom…o7) but not good enough for Cilla here?

She is right in a way you know you are starting to sound a little gnarly. How are you feeling Princess?

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Lol ! Well it seems I was in Aiko’s team…according to that battle list. The infamy !

Could you stop including me in your delusions of grandeur?

But you should be grateful that I scored for your ‘team’. Quite how it works out who is on what side…hmm. I’m glad I haven’t fully joined the ganker side and lost all sense of humour.

Here, I fixed it for you. Now please be quiet.