Crimson Harvest 2018 - Event Feedback Thread

Pff, when i first started this game. I ran 4/10 in a drake for dank pith c types. Just got to do some research.

And what do you mean new bros get turd on for faction loot in these events?? Worried aboit them selling them for 0.01 isk cuz they dont read??

Also i live in Dronelands and you dont here me bitching about sentient loot dropping everywhere in eve.

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we do )
and know what? bag ur god CCP left other droprate untouched. :stuck_out_tongue:
who knows, what buttons of what part of their ā€œcodeā€ they r pushingā€¦

Passive Tank Phantasm IMO. Range with Heavy Beam IIā€™s and fit and flown proper tanks all the rats easily and is a bit more gank proof.

Your right, i probably am. Started in 2011. Didnt know injectors existed then.

I care about worm holes, capital proliferation, fw, the recent ecm changes, and sansha destroyers and battlecrusier.

Also the final reward is a skin for a Avatar. A TiTaN, got to get them new bros into sKiLl InJeCtOrS. I mean at this point you might as well as give them a untradeable molok bpc as well.

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From what I see here and in-game, there are two sides to this.

Some people had the greatest fun in a while hunting for/in sites and some people feel betrayed. Feels very much like EVE should be :slight_smile:


It would be great to reprocess the oreā€¦still wonā€™t let meā€¦

Feedback after 700 event points.
Too much faction loot before fix. Okay. But after you fix lootables i didnā€™t loot litarally nothing. Booster bpcs and a few 30min boosters. Zero lore items, zero red items from structures in harvest site and zero cold iron skins. Maybe iā€™m unlucky.

In total. Iā€™m happy with this event. Everything working, not totally easy and doable with decent piloting skills and brains. Good. Thanks.
I see only two bugs listed in first post.


Same reported everywhere.

From too much they nerfed it down to literally nothing.

The non-EUTZ guys really got the rake here.


trying to be constructive :

on mining site

  • I guess they only depop when everything is mined ā€“ > I have yet to see a silo as unfortunately I work during the day and there are none left. perhaps have them repop every few hours ?

On gauntlet site

  • I yet to see a boss wave to pop (! manage to kill 1 boss but he was already popped when I entered the place. perhaps I am not staying long enough to see it pop (but after 15 min I considered it was too long) ā€¦ or there is something to actually trigger them ? again I tried to target /show everything but couldn t find anything.

So far I ran about 20 site.

  • 1 boss
  • no loot whatsoeverā€¦

I entered about 20/25 mining site, not a single Silo up.

Not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong; warp in, drop MTU, clear 1st 2 waves in like 2 mins, then nothing happens.
No loot from this and waited 5 mins for 3rd wave then left. (Gauntlet site)
Is this it? Iā€™ve done 2 sites and same thing.

Can someone else try this as it worked for me getting Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls
try 100 of each ore 1st at own risk

mine cthonic attar
go to a npc station
move ore to item hanger
click on reprosessing plant icon
move 100 of any normal ore to plant like jaspet
Jaspet ore and minerals show in repo box.
Then add Cthonic attar ore - it only shows jaspet
if you then reprocess you get the Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls items

try 100 of each ore 1st - no come back if you lost ore and Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls

Its in the beginning of the forum. Its kinds like a blood raider 5/10 or was it 6/10

CCPLease ignore all the whiners , there is RED loot , skins and other stuff as clothing confirmed.

just fix please the reprocess . ty :wink:

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This, and it looks like Jita prices are stabilizing already.

IS there any actual word of whether the lack of sites spawning in J-space was a deliberate FU to WH community or more collateral damage because CCP hates J-space and just forgot.

no its not working like it should stop saying we r whiners go mine it will be fixed

I havenā€™t heard anything. As far as I know, CCP doesnā€™t hate but fear J-space population. It was probably just a fck-up. Maybe ping CCP directly to make sure they have it on their list for things to fix for tomorrow.

u can fix the drop rate again was broke and now you really broke it

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Shoot the cookhouse objects to spawn the third wave in the gauntlet, under large collidable I believe

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are you going to also balance the loot drops? It went from ridiculous amounts of drops, to almost zero. Is there not some middle ground? I think you nerfed it way to hard. There is really no point to running the sites now.