honestly been waiting all day at work to come home and try this event…roughly 20 min of play time and the servers dropped…extremely irritated.
ran five sites just now, no loot at all, only wrecks. No point of running sites until this is fixed.
I have a silly question - what is ‘red’ loot? (Also, I think I’ve heard the term ‘blue’ loot as well - I always thought blue loot meant tech 2 salvage materials because of the blue coloring in the icons, but now I think I’m totally wrong.)
TLDR: I suspect that someone simply forgot to adjust the loot table.
Events on the test server often have high drop rates (this one was no exception), which are then scaled down to a more reasonable level upon release. Thus, while this was most certainly a screw up, I suspect that the issue was just that someone forgot to adjust the loot table before deployment to tranquility. Woops.
TLDR: I mostly agree with CCP’s corrective action.
As for corrective measures, I’m pretty sure that no matter what CCP did, it would have pissed someone off. Personally, I think they were right to drastically nerf the faction loot as soon as they were able. Yes, it’s unfortunate that other time zones lost out on the fun, but further inaction would have royally pissed off people who rely on Dark Blood Faction loot for their careers (and possibly plexing their accounts). That being said, they probably shouldn’t have nerfed agency drug and skin amounts so much. I mean, those aren’t critical to people’s monthly incomes, and it would have prevented other time zones from being completely shafted.
TLDR: Cthonic Attar Reprocessing worked at one point on the test server.
I don’t know how or when Cthonic Attar reprocessing ore got broken, because it worked on the test server. If CCP made any changes to reprocessing after that (such as to make it take advantage of structure bonuses), they should have put the sites back up on the test server so that people could verify that everything was still working as intended. As far as I know, however, the sites were only up for about a day or two around October 13, and then never put back up after any possible changes.
TLDR: CCP could probably make better use of forums and the test server in order to help avoid similar problems in the future.
So, after all of this, I have a suggestion that might help avoid these problems in the future.
- ROUTINELY put event sites up on the test server at least a week before deployment to tranquility.
- Ask players to test the sites. I don’t think that they should have to go as far as to post in the launcher for a mass test, but they should at least make a dedicated forum thread about it.
- Have players actually test changes made to the event (including modified drop tables). Ask people to test the changes when they’re made.
- Ask for players to report bugs in the dedicated thread.
- In order to make it easier for CCP to sort through the feedback, ask that players tag bugs and suggestions as such.
@CCP_Dragon only one addition to this: If you screwed up, give ppl the feedback on the forums. We’d like to know. Trying everything to look like as if it is expected is a bad policy. Made a mistake? Admit it, give info about fixes to be made, fix it.
Hey there, i don’t mean to sound negative, but being a someought new player I still find it odd that i need to search the internet and forums to figure out how to participate in these sorts of activites. The Agency says i have to do things for Crimson Harvest, but no indication on where I need to go or what I need to do to actually start the missions.
This is a depressing event, first the loot was way too high no doubt that had to be nerfed good it happend so quick. But now we barely receive any loot at all. For a 10 minute site which i have to find first, id receive a pair of ugly bloodraider boots and a BPC of a Booster that has to be built involving annoying mining and or buying. BPC’s aren’t easy to market so i can’t just throw them into the jita market and atleast make a few pennies instantly, i have to create contracts which change price every 2 hours at the moment.
The main reason i participated is because i wanted to get boosters for myself & my alts, but the rate of receiving them is absolutly disgusting. The loot kept me there (obviously, it was freaking overpowered, but now - as a player with 5+ years theres nothing in these sites with any value if i dont wanna go through the painful process of building them or selling BPC’s. Best i can do is a venture for mining which takes me about an hour at the 50% refinery rates to get a booster. So right here, as a vet player i face the process of:
Lets recapture:
-Mining an hour in a venture (If you want a mediocre booster, we dont talk about the good ones)
-finding & doing sites in a competed enviroment untill i get a proper BPC
-then moving the stuff to jita anyways because i need even more materials which arent included in the event to then build a booster that lasts a day.
-rinse & repeat untill you have enough for your 2-3 toons
Im currently looking at 1 - 1,5 hour of work per day or booster running per character
@TsiTsi Doy: The limited time events like this come to you. They can appear in any high/low/null-sec. In highsec systems with good traffic and ppl around, the sites are completed fairly quickly, but they will come back, or you can roam to quieter places and find them.
where r the boosters ? i seem to be getting mostly bpc’s for the skill boosters but where r the other boosters? ran a few sites im getting alot of bpc’s
Well yeah, CCP should (and probably does) do their own testing, but there are players, such as myself, who will happily test out new content on the test server. So why not tap that resource. I know some devs do all their testing in house, but Eve is rather complex, so it’s probably not a bad idea to let the players help out.
Second, I’m sure that there are many players that won’t report bugs that benefit them, but (1) there will probably be someone who stands to lose who will report it, and (2) some people have integrity and/or care enough about the game that they will actually report bugs that would otherwise benefit them. Personally, I would have reported the dark blood loot drop if I thought it was going to be a problem. I didn’t because absurd drop rates had always been corrected before hitting TQ in the past. Thus, I just assumed that it was par for the course.
I didn’t participate in last few events, tried Crimson Harvest again just for the sentiment (first one was a blast). As expected, bugged (why am I surprised, every event in the past was buggy), loot tables made by someone disconnected with EvE (because event only loot is such a bad idea, right?), booster are manufacturable (step for removing learning implants I hope?). Guys you inventing wheel again and again. You had proper content and conflict driver at original CH event. It’s not science to copy that.
It was a good 7-hours event. RIP.
Now the drop rate is making it useless.
The drop rate was to good but now its just ■■■■
There should be a middle to this,
Darkblood items nerf is good for sure like this the market wont break to much but the agency booster if they are a few that drop a site wont break anything bcs this ■■■■ is just disappointing right now just 2 out of the 20 to 30 npc you get drop something and what they drop is even ■■■■ ( last 2 sites just a bpc and some fireworks )
So is the fact that these don’t spawn in wormhole space intentional? It’s not listed in the known issues, but also hasn’t been responded to as a concern.
While you are fixing things this morning, could you please add the materials required to build these blueprints (accelerators) to the drop table? things like “data processor”?
Because these are normally thrown away, as they had no value whatsoever, so there are none available in the market (those few that were have been all bought out and resisted at 1000* their price). It would be nice to build these, and as they are time limited, one cannot wait for things to recover in a month or two…
Bookmarking works great for the salvage/loot (within 2 hours provided no one goes flashy yellow and snags your loot, ofc, or ninja salvages)… but bookmarking isn’t gonna work so good with the mining. if the site despawns and no one’s on grid or out on the gate in the lobby, the rocks are gonna despawn along with it.
Now, I’ve seen some of the mining sites stay open despite all spawns being dead including the ones from the 3 silo structures being destroyed, so who knows… but I have completed a couple and seen the beacon despawn from the overview, too. It seems to be a bit inconsistent.
Thanks for the ability to claim points without having to open the Agency window … +1 on that.
On a negative side, what am I going to do with the clothing this event drops ? I mean it’s totally useless …
Is there a variance of the spawns between sec status ? I only tried HS ones, an AC Wolf does the sites without issues, has to kill frigs fast (got down to 20% armor at one point in time) but other than that, no issues for the Gauntlet sites.
Some (as far as I observed not all) of the mining sites have a nasty surprise waiting for the capsuleer:
A fourth spawn that is triggered if you approach the battle station. In such sites, despawning seems not to occur before the destruction of that fourth battlegroup, I guess.
Interesting. Good to know.
I think I got that the first CHF I was in, but I mistook it for part of one of the spawns responding to the 3 silos blowing up. Had to warp my Procurers out and bring my armor RR Ishtars in to clean up.