Every player in every time zone was able to log in.
Set an Alarm or stay off work. If you are late, it’s just bad luck.
I missed it due to work. In that time I’ve read many posts how ridiculously juicy it is, and when I instantly started after work, it was very disappointing. And if I won’t find the raw material to build expiring boosters within reasonable effort, it’s just for some dark grey SKINs I don’t like much.
This is not my favorite event so far…
Did they fix the WH gap or is that also intended?
Is it a known issue that even though the ONLY sounds I have enabled are “Jump Activation” and “Warning Sounds”, I get tons of atmosphere music/sounds when I’m in the event site space?
I started Summer '17. Finishing these sites is not that hard. If you know L3 Security sites, you should survive every wave.
My weapon of choice atm is a Domi with T1 Meta railguns and T2 armour + 1 repper. Target Painter, T2 Cap Battery, and Drone modules.
T1 heavy drones, meta medium drones, and T2 light drones.
In sum way less than 200m ISK.
If I can keep distance, I don’t have to warp away for repairs. I think a BC may do the job as well, have to try.
just to collect, no other point. Get yourself a container, but those thingies in and from time to time you can marvel what amounts of junk you have collected…
almost every site thats come out this year could be run just fine in a bog standard 500mn VNI fit. which only takes a month or two to train into and costs pocket change. yes, there are more efficient ships you can use, but even the old faithful can handle it with no problem. and, as an added bonus, the VNI actually gets a mining drone bonus as well, so if you REALLY want to you can even run the mining fields site with it.
for this particular combat site, there is a non-destructable structure in the middle. just orbit that at 50-60km. make sure you kill frigates first until you get up to speed. once you are at speed though they won’t be able to catch up with you making their webs irrelevant. when at speed, kill the cruisers first, especially the 1 battlecruiser that spawns, nothing else will be able to touch you.
using that method, i’ve only ever dropped below 1/4 shield twice, and that was because some frigates got on top of me before I’d hit my orbit, just warped out, did it again, and no problem.
My main character has a little under a year of game time (though split between two periods) and hasn’t used any injectors.
But I’m still clearing the Crimson Gauntlet sites with relative ease. A standard tech 2 RLML Gila fit does very well (as it does everywhere) and I’m sure that with decent piloting skill you could also do it with Tech 1 / Meta items where skills are insufficient for Tech 2.
The final wave of the Harvest Fields site, that spawns when you approach the structure located away from the warp-in point, is a different matter. But you can easily prevent it from spawning and there’s not that much point in getting it to spawn (especially if you want to mine the site, because spawning and killing that wave triggers the site to despawn, whereas otherwise you can keep coming back to mine).
Ill try n be constructive as yesterday some my posts got deleted for being I guess to honest.
Comparing this event to the previous I would say hands down it looks and feels like effort has been made for it to have a bit of fun. Alas this is the only part that is good imo about the event however well meaning and involving ccp meant it to be.
In all previous events with accelerators they came complete as part of the drop . It really was that simple open the wreck and there is your prize so to speak. Yet for some reason the people who make choices about the game decided it would be fun to stretch that process out (by a mile) .
1st you run a site that takes longer than the others in previous events to simply get the bpc from running 20 of these last night after nerf I received a bpc each pass a total of 3 skins and a dark blood diag. Sorry but if you was a newbro no chance of doing that alone without injecting or taking a stupidly long time.
2ndYou then have to go mine the ore so a second complete skill set needed(again so newbro) let alone the fact u again need to clear or tank rats either way again another time sink for zero reward as nothing drops except from 1 wreck lootwise in the mining part.
3rd and 4th Ok so now ya got that sorted you either have to run PI (more skills) to get some the partsor buy them . Oh and then theres the useless for years drops from data sites to either buy or guess what more skills needed to get them from the site yourself.
5th now you got all that gear you can finally go build the damn things but theres a snag yet more skills needed and time . All for something that originally came assembled and had a limited usebuy date still attached .
So you do all these things whilst receiving a pitiful bounty from these hardcore rats , a terrible lack of loot even the comical things don’t drop after nerfing. Leaving literally only the skins which lets face it will be farmed to high heaven and you could prob buy in 1 week all of them for peanuts and save all the uneeded hassles.
Just to expand on this, I was totally on board with finally being able to build accelerators. The mining is a nice twist, and finally being able to do something with all of those previously useless parts (to me) that I’ve been stockpiling was nice. And I thought that it added a fun dimension and level of flexibility to managing the creation, distribution, and use of these accelerators…
Until I saw that the accelerators STILL have an expiration date once they are built.
That really turned me off on the concept and represents a fairly large barrier to newer players getting in on the action without buying them on the market for what will surely be much higher prices than in previous events due to all of the extra steps/components/skills that are needed to build these things.
Again, I give the dev team a lot of kudos for some of the other elements of this event and the variety of sites. But, speaking directly to how the BYOA (Build Your Own Accelerator) scheme was rolled out, I think this needs some reconsideration.
First of all, we want to thank you for all the interest and feedback, it is hugely appreciated! We believe that our players deserve the best when it comes to communication and event quality.
With this in mind, we would like to shed some light on the issues that we have tackled so far in relation to the Crimson Harvest limited time event:
Loot: Some flags were raised as we monitored activity following yesterday‘s deployment. We then made the decision to rebalance the loot in the next patch, and to immediately stop the lower level NPCs from dropping any loot until that was patched. We incorrectly announced that the drop rates had been fixed, but this was not the case. The intended drop rates were only present after today‘s downtime.
Ore refining & “Dangerous Act” warning issues: Have been fixed as of this morning’s patch.
Wormholes: For creative reasons, sites were deliberately not distributed to wormhole systems for this event. In response to your feedback we are committed to including wormholes in upcoming events.
Could you please give a little thought to the Build process for the accelerators. Whilst the building adds another level of engagement, it is falling a bit down on two points.
Firstly requiring exploration loot that traditionally players scrapped, so there is minimal on the market and what is has been inflated thousands fold. ie Data processor.
secondly due to the engagement required to build these it is disappointing to find they are time limited like the “drop” version. If players are engaged enough to get the materials, and manufacture, they really should be not time limited.
now the good stuff. the sites are interesting and challenging. the redeem rewards system is vastly improved, well done for that. And the drops today, whilst not as good as yesterday naturally, are reasonable.
Regarding the exploration loot required to build these, could they be added to the loot table, in reasonable quantities, especially “Data processor” which is as rare as rocking horse droppings on the market?
By the way, will anything ever be done to address timer creep for the accelerators? Like, it would be really cool if they gave the same amount of SP in only 46 hours, or if you could consume the next one while still having a few hours left on your current one, and then have the times add together. Or something.
Can you comment on why you didn‘t recognize the feedback about skewed loot tables on SiSi a week ago?
Your surprise is puzzling, and doesn’t shed a positive light on CCP quality management.
We observe a pattern. Feedback and reports on SiSi problems are simply ignored by CCP. You can be sure every bug reported on SiSi shortly before release will go live.