If the last few events + SiSi feedback/bug reporting are any indication, they don’t even look at said feedback.
Hmm … I have some 20m SP, I only fly frigates. I have no problem with the current event and did not have a problem with the Drone event before it. Ishkur/Enyo/Wolf/Astero …
The gauntlet sites are doable in a T1 BC with ease, T1 cruiser with some preparation and paying attention.
I don’t see how you are unable to do them after 1,5 years in the game. You have to focus your training a bit I guess.
Hmm … the Harvest sites are not for an AF unless Ishkur or drones … Died in the Wolf, me and my big mouth
You forgot one. Hope this helps.
Question - are the Accelerator BPCs time limited or just the Accelerators once produced?
Correlation != causality.
These two things are not necessarily related. You could just be having bad luck today.
Looks like it’s just the accelerators that are built. Honestly, doing it the other way around would have made a bit more sense to me and the time limit seems a bit short given the other items that people might need to find.
Info on the blueprint shows that produced accelerators expire on the 27th of November.
I like the dark fade in/fade out that appears as you enter and leave the site. The distortion near the rocks has that feel of the mind-altering drug.
Please bring back to auto-redeem system for Agency event points. I have lost kills and points due to forgetting to click ‘accept reward’ while in the middle of a site.
I’m not wild about the requirement to build the Cerebral Accelerator…moreover because I’m not sure where to find those electronics components…
Also, I can’t click on the Blood Raider “tower/banana” base…nor the colorful comet-looking asteroids in the sites…
Also, someone needs to SERIOUSLY reconsider having these events deploy in new-player training systems like Duripant and Couster for the Gallente Federation Navy Academy. I happened to be visiting there, and I can’t tell you how many new player wrecks I found in these sites. I can’t help but feel like it’d be a really discouraging experience for a new player to be all excited to try something new, only to stare down a full Blood Raider fleet in nothing but an Incursus.
Let’s make sure we check to see what systems are excluded from having these sites deploy to avoid unnecessarily demotivating our new player base to continue playing the game before they even start.
Auto-redeem was messed up since the last event, “click to redeem” is totally unneedeed, just like the silly “10 more points” notifications.
Overall I like the event, even though my loot was mainly fireworks. I would like to see more regular events like this, and heavily changing the distribution of drops or materials occasionally between regions keeps things from getting stale.
There are posters here getting mad about their randomised drops being unpredictable.
The sites are obviously too hard for most new players though, maybe have some less murderous sites in the starter regions with useful loot for a newer player, like the odd navy Drone or faction ammo.
Click to redeem is fine, stops orca pilots from sleeping at the helm and claiming everything easily.
Nice to not need to jump through too many gates to find a site.
I made a video about the Crimson Harvest launch for those interested. I discuss the major problems that occurred, as well as offer a few suggestions
Happy to see issues have been adressed
Personally I think it’s great that data site exploration loot finally has a use. If you look at the market volume/turnover of modules you can normally build with these, it’s a joke. Having choices makes the game more deep and interesting. For instance, right now, instead of ask CCP to give it to you for free, you could go run some data sites.
Prices are never natural. A good example of that is how Agency Boosters are going up and down, depending on how many drop, if they drop at all and so on.
What I really like about the build process is that it’s multi-layered, e.g. it requires different kinds of work to get what you want. This is a great opportunity for jack-of-all-trades or, even better, players working together. I really like it about the event, despite personally not liking mining. I’m dependent on others doing the mining, but I can provide another part, for instance PI materials. That’s nice.
Time limitation seems necessary, otherwise you can’t use SP Accelerators in upcoming events. They’re working until Nov27, which is quite a luxiorious timeframe compared to previous events.
p.s. if Exploration loot should suddenly drop from the sites, then minerals should “drop” too and PI materials as well and then you’re back to everything dropping right in your pocket, without the need of player interaction.
Thanks - not that long then
I suppose it’s just around the time of the next event.
I guess so - but it means the inflated prices for some of the requirements are likely to hold
Could be. It’s certainly interesting to have an event where miners, site-runners and data/relic guys can equally take part in and contribute/profit due to their specific roles. Industrialists too, as well as PVPErs and marketeers. This event offers a bunch of angles to approach it, which I really appreciate. Prices will probably consolidate at some point, for all materials involved.
Thanks for the quick fix. Event now run without an issue from what I can see.
Like the above pilot I LOVE this event. best one ever (even if unfortunately I wasn’t here when the increased drop rate happens )
- interface is much easier without having to open the Agency windows to validate.
- different places for different purpose (fight / mining)
- re using old under used Data site mats, and mixing them with various other to create your own Accelerator.
- different things to do if you want to build your own accelerators, not just some pew pew /done.
- mining component now justify high price for best Accelerator, not as before.
I agree with another above pilot, perhaps adding a lower rewarding site for low skilled pilot can help them
I think you summed it up perfectly, really enjoying the event.
Designed more for the ‘at the keyboard’ player.
I find the triple layer of grind for the boosters not worth it. Interesting, but useless for me and my friends.
- Needs Mining. Great. Very nice, gives the miners a chance to get into the event. The problem is, it’s grindy af to mine the boosters yourself. I have a miner friend that spent 30 hours mining alone in a procurer unboosted. Why unboosted? Because the 9 orca alts in the site didn’t want to boost, or idiots kept spawning the rats. In the end he was able to build 6 standard boosters!!! after 30 hours of mining solo…:)) what a joke! He got the Avatar skin before he was able to build 1 booster!!! And I gave him the bpc’s for free! AAHHAHAHAHA
- Needs buying stuff that’s not included in the event. Great! Gives utility to useless things in the game. Too bad that makes it impossible for newbros or people that don’t have stocks, due to market manipulation and stupid prices on previously useless items. Those explo thingies should drop from the event, that’s a thing. You want the materials fast? Pay the price, if not, keep grinding. Also I used to save all mats from exploration in my first 2 years. Never sold them. Now i noticed i had 103 data thingies in my can from then.
- Needs running the site. Great, unless you find that after 100-ish sites, you have over 150 “basic” accelerator bpc’s. Those in turn need buying overpriced things and spending days mining the ore, for a mere 1 week of accelerated time.
I literally gifted bpc’s to all my alliance mates that can’t run the event, and EVERYONE refused me. They make more money by NOT bothering to build these or getting the materials.
I had no idea that free sp from boosters are such a threat to injectors or subscriptions, or that the asian playerbase got so large on TQ, that we’re treated with asian style grindy fests. The good booster drops just got worse or harder to obtain from event to event. “Basic Boosters”? Why? Soon we’ll see blue loot or plex needed as a component to build “low-tier-basic booster” +2.
And old skins? Really? Not even blood raider ones? Pitty, good concept with the bpc’s, but over grinding makes me puke.