CSM 15: Ikarus Cesaille | High Security, new players and corporation mechanisms

Мне нравится программа данного участника:)

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Just finished voting, Ikarus Cesaille for CSM-15!

I have voted for you. Wish you can help more fresh player in New Eden!

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I’m unable to actually vote, due to my account being under 30 days old, so I just want to show my support at least this way. Go Ikarus!


Same as above, still a newbro. That being said, Ikarus runs a super accessible corp for new or even returning players, and the website is super straightforward and extremely useful. He’s successfully flattened EVE’s learning cliff, and if that’s not beating the final boss, then I don’t know what is.

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Ended in position 12, with a solid 1400 first-round votes. That’s a pretty darn good run for a first time candidate from a HS training corp and overall newbro development allince that most people either know nothing about, or wildly misunderstand.


Close but not close enough. It kinda went just as I expected, we would get a good amount of votes from our own community but the secondary votes needed to push me to the top 10 would be a hard one as we are a rather unknown entity in eve. Either way we managed to push at least Mike in which is a win for high sec already!

We will keep on building our own community and on the side maybe people will start to know our name as well and next time i might be able to push a few positions higher :slight_smile:


Very respectable result, good luck next time.

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