[DAEV4] Thebeka III Freeport Aid Stations

The first paragraph of your description fits the exact definition of the word.

Kindly; do one. I’ll see you in space.

It’s a city. It has medical facilities in it, along with local police stations, sizable trade centers, roughly 471 temples dedicated to The Rite, more hydroponics than you could shake a watering hose at etc etc. So no, it does not “fit the exact definition of the word”, any more than it is a police station, a market, a church or anything else it contains.

Then again, given your affiliations, why would I expect you to argue honestly?

The spirit of the agreement was followed just as well as the letter. The Raitarus were removed peacefully, without any testing of the agreement as set (and the opportunity certainly arose to do so if I had wished). If there were further demands you wished to make, you had ample opportunity to do so during the negotiation process.

If you’re upset that I didn’t keep a promise that was never made in the first place I really don’t know what to tell you.


Sure are an awful lot of people not welcome in Amarrian space complaining that Kala is not welcome in their space.


Like I said, very technically true, but not even you can pretend you don’t understand why this is going back on the spirit of the agreement even if not the word. Not that it matters much at all, I did caution against trusting you and all this does is show why you shouldn’t be trusted. Nothing’s really changed, has it?

You’re exactly right.

It seems fully apparent that no matter how altruistic my intentions, nobody [Edit - Nobody at an organisational level at least] is interested in believing that to be true despite my efforts to be as open and accepting of scrutiny as possible.

So if nobody is going to trust me when I am behaving as they want me to, I might as well save myself the bother. I’m still not going to be trusted, but now I don’t have to feel ■■■■ about it.


See… that’s the thing…

… if you hadn’t gone back on this, you could have actually had some trust. I was thinking I’d been wrong. That I could take you at your word.

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Oh, the betrayal. I’m crying over here.

The spirit of the agreement was that you cease your operations here. There is no amount of additional agreements that can account for someone that is deliberately looking for loopholes. Not allowed to place more citadels in the system? Well then you’ll just get a friendly organization to put one up for you. Not allowed to base in the system at all? You’ll stage one system away. Etc etc.

You cannot trust someone that is determined to look for whatever underhanded way they can to get around the rules. So, congratulations in making the terms work for you, so that you could exploit that time to work on setting up a more fortified position.

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Maybe you should’ve put that in the agreement.


If she was even remotely trustworthy, we wouldn’t have to. That’s kind of the point here.

Trustworthy doesn’t come into it. You had the opportunity to make a series of demands backed up by some serious firepower against what was ultimately two very soft targets and you failed to actually demand what you wanted from the whole sorry affair.

Amateurish and irresponsible of the pair of you.

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She was told that if she did something like stopping unanchoring the citadels once the wars were over, we’d consider it forfeit. What, does she think pulling them down and then putting them right back up again is somehow wildly different from that? I also told her that if she was serious about assisting, then she could make use of facilities and resources owned by another, more credible organization.

Kalaratiri was well aware of our intent.

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She just never had the intent of being honest or assisting, it seems.

Gosh, hm, coerced into an agreement by force of arms and somehow not fully cooperative.


Quite indeed it was. I believed I could actually trust her, considering her insinuations that her desire to help was genuine and she took a first step to build trust even before an agreement had been determined.

Amateurish, irresponsible, and naive, certainly.


Oh no, what, someone went backsies? But we’re all respectable people here!

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At least you’re consistent ever since I met you.

Well played, Angel.

Of course, as far as I can see, no one has promised a thing about letting these new things stand.

I for one look forward to Season 2 of Angels in Thebeka.



Funny how the person who came to Thebeka without the intention to wage war has become the most controversial person in this mess.