Daily skilling spree ended

Damn was hoping to log in and get advanced drone avionics to lvl 5 but alas i’ll just have to wait the last 2hr 30mins for it to train naturally, well with plus five implants across the board its ticking down nicely. I’m gonna miss that little bit of daily instant gratification, bye bye skilling spree see you again in few month i suppose xD

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Told by who ?

It was good while it lasted.

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I didnt know it existed, what did I miss?


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By the little information box that kept appearing everyday in the top left part of screen, just below the one that says “Route”. It said that the next challenge will be available today after downtime. And there was no official announcement that the skilling spree is ending either.

CCP is again doing dumb tests on living organism. Why not just ask people?

It ran longer than I expected.

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It was a bad idea the first time around, and still is.

It would be nice if instead of literally picking the laziest, most mind-numbing approach to reward regular activity, if CCP actually spent some time to add real, organic reasons to get people to login more often. You know, something like PI or market play that rewards people checking in more often, that is actually an in-universe activity that people actually want to do and get rewarded for playing regularly.

CCP, we get it, your game is a Skinner Box and we are the rats. But please, leave us some dignity and at least cloak your psychological manipulation in lore, or a minigame of some kind. New Eden is full of rewards already that are suppose to motivate people to play and enjoy the journey, even to enjoy to play daily! Just add some more of those or change some of the existing ones to accomplish whatever you are trying to do.

Seriously, you are better than this.


It was very useful for adding SP to my alpha alts but it was a damn chore, glad of the break frankly. No doubt we’ll get more at xmas.

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I am also glad for a break. I liked the SP on my little baby characters, but they were flying incursus’ in the belts to finish skilling spree. They’re industrial alts btw.

But the triglavians chased me out a bunch of times, so it became annoying.

Well, crap. I was counting on it to get me jump drive operation V. Guess I’ll have to quit the game now.


No lag?

Obviously not playing at peak times. :slight_smile:

–Gadget hates traffic

Yeah, it was useful to add a skill or three to an Alpha alt, or to the extra chars on a multi-char account, but it was indeed low-energy design on their part. Seems CCP can only manage minor tweaks these days.

Instead of pushing that “Welcome little rats! We’ll train you to press the button each day for a treat!” design, I would rather see them going back to something like the “Objectives” tree they had a couple years ago as part of the NPE.

For those who didn’t see it, that was a path/tree of nodes that had goals like “Enter a wormhole” and “Kill a PvP target” with various small rewards attached. Similar to what some games do with their Achievements / Commendations / Milestones rewards for reaching various goals in the game.

That would also allow you to set it up so there are more and quicker rewards for newer accounts doing things for the first time, and slower but still meaningful rewards for more advanced accounts. Since we have an Activity Tracker now, might as well put it to some use.

I liked it, shame to see it end. The Skilling Spree and other recent free skillpoint give-away events allowed me to get most of my newb Alpha characters up above 3 mill SP’s.

As such, all of those characters have now trained up the Core Fitting skills along with other skills so they can pilot a decently fit Frigates.

In fact if it wasn’t for the Skilling Spree tasks, I never would have logged those characters into the game, they’d still be sitting dormant without any proper skills trained.

Would have been great to get those characters all up to 5 mill SP’s. Hopefully there will be another run of Skilling Spree tasks in the near future.


Dude, you explained perfectly what I was feeling, funnily enough, I quit eve for a few weeks, kinda motivated by that and joined conincedentaly about a day after it ended.

I don’t know, it gave me a little mini game daily. I would log in to see if I got the 50k one, if not, log off. If i did, go kill the 10 npcs then log off.

I don’t care that it ended, but it’s frankly embarrassing that the only place CCP mentioned it was ending is on frickin Failbook. How disconnected can a company be?


Objectives tree already exists inside the activity tracker. I wish we’d gain skillpoints for completing various tasks in activity tracker, since there’s currently no reward whatsoever for completing them and giving SP for them would encourage people to try more stuff the game has to offer instead of just telling them to kill one NPC every day.

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Fair enough - I assumed you meant that you’d asked someone from CCP, sorry.

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