Data Processing Skills

Max. It’s already in OOPE.

I think that this thread is the mental equivalent to this:

It looks like the expression of thought, but it’s just random word looming, same as glosolalia sounds like words but it’s just articulated sounds.

It could be beautiful even…

Do yaga hom saga lum agom, dehe ratanga hum agol, dabaranga agol. Yan aga reta man daga alom, dibetranda agol yomalan waham pandera.

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I don’t know who, it’s more like a scientific question than a grammatical question as to who.
It’s meant to be more general and deal with ethics of computer science, rather than be a more limiting and restrictive scope such as law or law enforcement.
Like, user a and b have this right, since all users have this right, but since a cause this (something) to b, then a doesn’t have the same right, and needs to be restricted, while b is handicapped from the restrictions caused by a.

Now, of course, that is taking it scientifically with a mathematical equation to solve the problem posed at hand, however, law enforcement have those same data processing analyst to produce new legislation systems and regulation to keep data processing safe for people.

But of course, one would need enough self-control to be able to do that, and one would also need enough self-control to be able to understand that.
To be able to represent it with enough self-control would also require one to have enough self-control to be able to do it.
Now, if you are influenced too greatly by others, so that you would be able to find out by self-control, then it would not be possible for you.
Self-control may not work in all systems.
Certain system put more emphasis on support from others, and so, would not reward work based on self-control, or from creation of work, as an author creation could be, but rather emphasize support from officials they elect and so on.

Ad for the CCP part, there is an article I think they just release which furthers reinforces this.
They are responsible for the data of players, to the extent that this is not data that players have a right to, or that they would have an obligation to protect themselves if they are in full control of it.

Self-Control, and control of data, and central processing unit are related in certain ways.
All of those ways are in relation to control.
Control towers in an airport also work in relation to this role.

As for asking CCP with a support ticket that may work or may not work for others, but it would not work for me, and the info I published here should further give you proof that I can and would raise such proof if not use it for work and business.
The reason it would not work for me, is because we do not communicate by ticket, or support ticket, and ask.
We have encountered some other rather peculiar security conditions in time which would not especially glitter in the dark.!

All his posts are like that. Just incoherent gibberish. Talk about things he clearly doesn’t understand. I’ve been ignoring him for months, even told him as such, yet he still keeps replying to me :joy:

Yeah, but only because they have to comply or face very stiff fines, not because they’ve become any wiser nor any more ethical.

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Can you explain to me or to others you are spreading false propaganda to, how I can be working on this for 25 years going on 30 and be made to and be suggested as if I was writing incoherent gibberish, and talk about things I clearly don’t understand, when I do in fact more than understand , and organize it clearly, and it’s related to National Security due to my name, that being only 1 thing amongst others, which makes it against National Security, and no, I don’t have to reply to You. You’re my enemy.

So, what would I have to do, according to you and your dictatorship, to understand, and know what I talk about, or even put it in practice, like if you were.
Do you mind if I do attack you 10% of the damage you are trying to cause me, and equally lie I don’t mean it after ?

I’m also not a SJW or anything else you like to try to coerce me into your organized crime with and against the army.

And yes, fines , imprisonment and war, serves you as well as the service you provide and get paid 10 trillion a year for.
If I was not going to help the enemy anymore, I would lie you are good, so they could get all spoils of war from your retardatation and genetic failures.
And , check it up, retardatation is not in the English dictionary, because English failed.
At least it would give them the time of day.

National security now as well?

UN, NATO High Command, Interpol and National Security.

These things can’t all be true together.

Says you, not me.
Try to explain them that, and see what they do to you.

Looks like you will need to improve your data processing skills, and you might want to look for another teacher.

It would be illegal for me to help you.
Perhaps there are good reasons why these things can’t all be true together to you.
Perhaps you care to explain why you put yourself in this situation and face the consequences?

Oh wait, let’s see, maybe we should increase the level of dirtiness in the data?

Isn’t also funny the same propaganda make 16 years old know more than someone working on it 35 years?
I want to make sure my future child knows what he’s talking about when people like you attack him and try to alienate him from his rights, equally inciting others to team up against those trying to justify this illegal behavior.
It gives right to others to torture, even though both are illegal.

Yes, I have to provide this security to those I care for, and it would be a great disservice to hide your activity from them.

You’re also trying to get away with it the same way, I would bet, for 190 years.

35 years now. Above it’s:

Now it’s 35.

Time sure does fly.

Now we are also at this one:

It wouldn’t be illegal. It would be impossible. You have no CS degree, you don’t have knowledge of data processing and you don’t work for the UN, NATO High Command and Interpol, working on issues of national security.

This is me in Libya as a UN Chemical Weapons Inspector:

[Removed image]

This is what is left of that location now after NATO bombing in 2011 and then dismantling of the site after we destroyed the weapons stockpiles:

[Removed google maps location]

This is that valley, on the northern end of the Sahara Desert, beforehand:

[Removed image]

I know a thing or two about the UN. I also know a thing or two about NATO and Interpol having led negotiations and worked cooperatively with both; and you are talking crap.

These days I now manage large IT infrastructure projects, after studying CS in data science when I returned home from my UN work. You don’t have a CS degree.

You try to misrepresent me, and that is your own decision.
First you point to 35 years which is 1983,
then 10 years later in 1993, 1 year after graduated.
You decide to interpret it against me, which is your own choice, however, obligates me to take it into account against you, due to the conflict you try to generate and administer against me.

It would be illegal for me to help you since it causes problems to others.
It also causes me problems and I don’t want you near my family either.
You are the one saying I have no CS degree and you keep misinterpreting words to your liking against me.
You refer to this like if I said I did, the same for NATO high-command, Interpol, working on issues of National security, when in fact it does have to do with more than this.

I do have to report you to the UN special rapporteur for the freedom of expression and opinion, which, since you do get paid for or contract from, you should know.
Also, what does a senior analyst to solve discrimination problems against refugee does, when discriminated by the UN against refugees ?

Smart , pretty smart you are, and that’s just about how smart.

Chemical weapons including bio-chemical are illegal and part of the Geneva convention.
Also, you like ot put emphasis on obligation which I do have nothing to do with, in association with what you refer.

It’s impossible since you try to cause it, and if it’s not possible to be illegal, you would also try to cause it.

oh wait; wait, wait; I recognize you.
Well, at least you have a US job and an international job.
Just some of the details gets mixed up from having to work so much, I guess.

I am going for a Master in that field but the degree I have is a diploma, not a bachelor, however, I do have a lot more than I would have gotten in 3 years of study.
I’m in courts due to this, if you want me to bring you, I’m sure my family could use the extra security.

Right, 2 years of study of study for a bachelor degree and 25 years of work and storing the work , when it is now in jeopardy from the court are not comparable.
There’s also a lot more on the line than $200,000 which a course and degree would not cover.

I also want to go study in international law school.
Their offer is only around $250.
Yes, there is not 2 of those.

It would be impossible because you have no knowledge of what you are rambling on about.

Which biochemical weapons?

This should be interesting.

Also, chemical weapons have their own Convention: Chemical Weapons Convention | OPCW

They were also declared illegal internationally well before the Geneva Convention, the first time being during The Hague Convention in 1899 (see Section II, Article 23 of the Convention with Resect to Laws and Customs of War on Land):

None of the early conventions were particularly binding, hence the move to destroy all existing stockpiles globally and prevent their re-emergence, which will only work as long as countries continue to abide by the Convention (and unfortunately current conflicts show otherwise)

If the first was true, you would know the second isn’t. I’m not American.

You people are so slow to recognize what is going on…

…he is a Triglavian infiltrator! :angry:

kill it with fire :fire:

Actually edit:

My bad. Wrong person. I thought you were OP for a second.

So what? EVE related jokes are forbidden here?

Edit: Oh that makes sense, now I understand your reaction. No problem.

However, I will aim at managing IT projects to include your attacks against me.
Why would NATO Cyber-Security HQ offer me an office if I didn’t know what I am writing , and no, I am not rambling, but yes, you are inssiting that I am rambling.
So yes, I need that for my marriage, which obviously will not be under or with your authority.

You are extremely alienating.

You do write at the most inopportune time,
making me miss my dinner for work tonight.

You write trying to irritate me and ,
make me seem like if I didn’t know.
You know what,
I will register copyright for it,
since it’s good for war.

You don’t have to be American to work in the US Army, but then again, you may be someone else.
The first one looked like you though, I don’t know you.

it’s not surprising that war arises in those conditions which are clearly not peaceful.
There is a big difference between making money from war, for whatever reasons, no matter what, because the conditions leading to this are unfair, and misinterpreted as the reason which causes it, and for people trying to take advantage of this in that way, is what is and what causes it in the first place.
It’s also a second thing and another thing to be at peace and friendly with people.
I personally prefer to make money in peaceful conditions, as when in war, I may find other ways to get the security I need than money.

This thread delivers. This is fun.

What is the position title?

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“What is the position title?”
There is none, it’s purely civilian business (as if…).
However, I do have to meet the financial requirements, including to pay rent, as they are not selling the office space.
Additionally, diplomatic requirements have to be maintained as I would not be an ambassador there.
That includes valid passport, if not UN passport.

Edit 2:
(…as continued from above)
I didn’t know about the Geneva convention chemical weapons treaties and conventions until earlier this year or the last.
I had to learn it from the internet.

Also, the course I graduated from at 99% which is garbage to you and costed me $17,000 or $12,000, with the rest being in costs to other parties than mine only, despite ongoin litigations for it for 25+ years, since 1993, was from Purdue.
Germany offers me a free bachelor in this, although psychology or law may be more efficient , due to warfare, both psychological and economical (boycott).
Purdue offers me a Masters degree and I would have to be admitted from them, for around $17,000 a year to $35,000 a year. I am not too sure, I would have to verify.
Both would be enough for me to design and implement hardware enabling me to make computer chips which are not under Intel monopoly and used for military.

If you will excuse me, I am working on a new thread for Incursion and have to leave for work around 7 pm which is in 20 minutes from here.

Edit 3:
My computer is also slow with 2 clients.

I literally lol’d

You’re very entertaining. At the same time, there seems to be something seriously wrong and I wouldn’t want to make it any worse

So I’ll drop out of the thread here and wish you all the best in producing a new chipset.

yea, yeah, well don’t worry , I keep a copy of the data for processing in case the thing dies in a fire like the 6 million dollars man, although I wonder if it was not planned…

Ummm :thinking::thinking: 42?


I’ll drop in for a two-paragrapher before I drop out to never be seen in this thread again.

The fact that this has gone on for 60 replies and how heavily some people got invested in a discourse with a cunning, but not so funny troll [or a legitimately mentally ill person], speaks volumes on how much free time or little common sense these people have.

If you want this shitpost content to die off, then stop contributing to it. Circlejerk takes at least two morons.