Xxxxx please delete xxx
Vote for D’Ceet or go to hell!
Also buy Bonestorm.
For the glory of Goosetotzka!
I love this post.
Good luck, from one chippervet to another. o7
Vote for wormhole shenanigans, accidentallying a sov, a better New Eden, and chaotic honking in local: vote D’ceet for CSM 18!
I’m Commander Vorn and this is my favorite goose on the citadel. D’ceet for CSM.
Honk for a better tomorrow!
Edit: ooooff
Not only can he tend to the game, he can also tend to a hell of a garden. D’ceet for CSM!
D’ceet knows how to shot web in spider mans video games
You seem like a good candidate. You will be on my ballot.
My vote goes out for this little honker here.
Good luck homie.
Vote for this Honk so you don’t recieve Bonk
Vote for this man!
@D_ceet would you back any idea mentioned below as CSM member?
- Insane idea - pay with PLEX in NES for extra dev time
- Quafe+ is from "biomass" (...or corpse reprocessing)
- Little things / Small QoL suggestions - Better Visibility Of Other Players’ PI Networks
- Little things / Small QoL suggestions - 13 requests for Stack Split enhancment since Jun’18
- Little things / Small QoL suggestions - PI KB-shortcuts for toggling between groups of structures
If you want a man who can lead a fleet at night and bake a delicious baguette the next day, the only choice is D’ceet
- What do CCP do correctly?
- What do CCP do incorrectly?
- What do you wish existed in-game that doesn’t?
- What exists in-game that you wish didn’t?
- What exists in-game that you think ought to continue to exist?
- What doesn’t exist in-game that you hope never comes into existence?
- How would you improve PI?
- How would you improve the entire corporation UI?
For good or bad, not being afraid to try new things. From Pochven, or twitch interaction so we can bet on the Alliance Tournament. There’s plenty of interesting things always happening.
Gotta say that it’s primarily developer/playerbase interaction. They’re getting much better at it than before, however. But it is something I would like to see expanded.
The old EVE radio. Wow do I miss those old Jon Hallur songs and will still listen to it on youtube.
Jokingly, multi hour jump fatigue, but I am just a capital pilot who remembers you could travel the universe as fast as your capacitor could take you.
On a serious note it would probably be that the amarr/caldari connection system is now in Pochven and it takes 30+ jumps to get to Amarr, or a spicy jump into Ahbazon. but EVE is ever evolving and I can only shake my fist at the clouds but so often.
The continued advancement of T2 capitals. Let’s make carriers worth a damn again.
Personally, I am not a fan of the Pay 2 Win Golden Ammo that other games have. Implants and boosters sure, but not a special Omega Only type of ammo or something similar.
Personally, as a PI enjoyer, I would L O V E a snap together option. Please let me have an option so my OCD can have straight lines or hexes, even. an auto continue option on the mining part would be great as well.
As an alliance director for Gooseflock Featheration, and director in Goosefleet, there’s a few things I would like to see changed. Billing messages coming in by the dozens instead of one monthly bill would be a great start, followed up with an update to the actual interface to bring it up to speed with the new EVE UI
You’re possibly the only candidate that has, in a way, argued in favour of ease of travel. What are your thoughts on force projection, filaments, ansiblexes, etc