DDoS Compensation announced in The Pulse - 2020-02-21

You can send them donations or a care package if you are so concerned about their financial situation. They just had one if their best financial result in their history with EVE though.

This isn’t really your friendly neighbours shop that needs all the help to stay afloat.

Compensating the time they could not deliver the service should really be the bare minimum here.

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the eve server was up, the attack was hitting the ISP’s and there DNS’s. CCP understands your frustration as player not being able to log in so they offered SP to help with your pain. changing ISP or Changing your IP address using a VPN could of got you logged on to the server. so that basically means your ISP is more to blame than CCP is.

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I had no issue with my internet service. The only service I could not reach was EVE and many others had the same problem. I seriously don’t care why they could not deliver. Fact is they could not and the omega time was ticking down anyway.

I really don’t get how this is even worth a discussion. This is a business. I buy a service now I get the service and if there is a problem I get at least compensated so at the bare minimum I get actually what I played for.

If you buy a train ticket for 50$ and then the train doesn’t work you just say “oh it’s fine, it was the electricity company that had an issue, that isn’t their fault. I will just buy another 50$ ticket and hope the next train works.”?

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give us ships instead of free sp.

The Servers were up, your internet connection would not let you connect to server. Not CCP’s fault. end of story. Take your skill points and be happy


No, ■■■■ off.

Good riddance.

Like I said, it didn’t really effect me because I already had a VPN service, so personally I don’t really care either way. I’m just thinking about the health and future of the game. Failure to give the industry standard/appropriate recompense will damage the already shaky, at least from what I can tell, confidence players have in CCP, and would be another potential nail in the proverbial coffin.

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The tears on this thread are amazing!


Ah yes, the “for the good of the game” reasoning which magically coincides with your getting more free stuff. How convenie obvious.

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I actually thought Omega time was appropriate. Should’ve just bumped everyone 15 days. That was about the extent of most of the damage.


Ok Rage-Kid, calm down & scroll back up and this time actually read what was written. If you are too stupid to do that, it’s probably best if you don’t reply next time.

Yes I could. Stop making stupid assumptions.

Those stupid assumptions. Stop making them. Speaking “on behalf of people you don’t know and have never met but are sure you have the story right more or less, probably” - stop that too.

Again, you’re wrong. Stop just saying stupid assumed things. It is obvious you don’t know what you’re talking about so just stop trying to pretend. There are no “racial skill path” at all in EVE - the races are purely cosmetic. As for 2-4 years for a Dread, again you have no bloody idea! Honestly, not a clue do you have about anything you are saying.
When you then went on to say…

I laughed so hard I damn near wet myself! Honestly - what weird planet do you come from? Have you even looked into… anything? Anything at all? I mean, “T3+” - wtf is a T3+?

You are hilarious but your rage is too strong. Calm down, learn things before talking about them and then maybe try again. But for now, you really are one funny mthrfkr! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I don’t care if the servers where up. I care if the service I pay for is actually available. It wasn’t for a part of the player base. My ISP had no issues it was not on my end. CCP even admitted that there was a service disruption for a large portion of the player base, so no idea why you try to sweep that under the rug.

I don’t care about SP at all. They can give that on top if they like, I don’t care. I don’t ask for free stuff but fur the service I payed for.



But seriously, you clearly have no fkn idea at all. Your idiocy is entertaining but didn’t you post like 2 days ago this was the last straw and you were leaving? And yet here you still are?

Oh yeah, that’s right! You’re another of those internet-lawyer-pro-dev-tough-guy-wounded-consumer-30-years-IT-experience-for-“big vague companies who depended on my expertise”-types… Yeah, fk off.

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We can only hope

T3+ that would be a tech 3 ship with all dependant skills at V and those faction fits instead of standard. Yes I am a funny mfker and you should be happy since ppl like me make you happy, purely logical and calculated ppl would drive you out of forum business quickly.

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What is this means?

Not being funny here - but…

Continuing with your analogy of the trains, you do have another option which you seem to be glossing over. You have the option of:

Not buying another train ticket, getting a coach instead and never coming back to the train station again. Ever.

Correcting everyone from your subjective point of view and feeling right about it no matter what. Its a good way to build up positive karma for your next lifetime.

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