DDoS Compensation announced in The Pulse - 2020-02-21

Personally I don’t really understand the rage and outcry over all of this, just like so many things people rage and cry over these days. I couldn’t play or login really and of course I didn’t enjoy it but it’s not like the world ended, sometimes things just don’t work out so you go do something else.



I recommend that you read up on the enforceability of EULAs, especially in the United States. Not that you’re necessarily wrong, but It’s definitely not as black and white as you might think.

Good luck, Space Perry Mason.

It’s really easy as it happens. It goes like this:

“You did this thing. Banned.”

See? Simple af.

It would be that simple if that were the last in the sequence of events, but that’s not exactly clear from a legal standpoint. I’m afraid only someone with a rather simplistic view of reality would think anything about enforcement of EULAs across multiple jurisdictions is ‘simple af’.

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See, here is where you are wrong. As a silly wannabe-space-lawyer you’re forgetting a couple of important facts:

  1. This isn’t governed by US law;
  2. You break it, you go;
  3. Not a debate - you agreed to this;
  4. A “privately owned company in Iceland whose rules you agreed to” is nothing to do with “your perceived rights as a whiner”;
  5. Simple af confirmed.

I’m afraid that “only someone with a rather entitled view of reality” as well as who the fk they think are and how much they believe they matter is also laughably… simple af.


Bravo. So devastating. LOL, I’ll just let that comment stand I suppose.

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Tbh id have been happier and felt it was more fair to just extend my omega a week, I didnt lose sp during the ddos to be fair.

At least there was a reward I guess, just hope it doesn’t lead to more attacks with an so profit being the reward structure.

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Do you realise how hilariously dumb that statement is?

Any EULA pretty much consists of a few basic things:

  • the company is always right, even when they’re wrong
  • they can do whatever they want, for whatever made up reason they’d want to, would they want to
  • you have no ownership and since you can’t have rights to things you don’t own just don’t even bother trying to Elawyer
  • feel free to go away if you don’t like it

No one cares about the hilariously small-minded understanding you have on how the world works or how gaming business models work. Grow up, stop thinking you know stuff, stop trying to convince others you know stuff and stop wasting people’s time.

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If we’re talking about not validating the attack, then look at it this way:

SP is something that CCP produces out of thin air that most people are happy to receive. Omega time, on the other hand, is something that would cost CCP income that was tied directly to the attack. It would deal financial damage to the company beyond the pale of plausible deniability, allowing the attacker to directly add that financial value to his or her estimation of the attack’s effectiveness.

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Given I have a recurring sub, I would see no benefit to extra omega, as I imagine theyd not suspend a months payment, for example.

My sub’s name is bunnikins, btw.

Loved the SP.

I would have liked an Attribute Reset.

We used to get those from time to time, not sure what happened, an easy free perk.

You’re an idiot.


Wow, just wow, people (including me) could not log into the game for 2 weeks and that’s all you give us?

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you kids want more?

Glad you made that clarification.

“They blew up the World Trade Center, so I couldn’t use my gift card in the coffee shop. You owe me a refund!”


So you want to be compensated play time…when you were still able to log in and play…that makes perfect sense.


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