Dear CCP

Hi Nion,

I think CCP does a lot more. They communicate with Capsuleers. The Changes that we have seen in Eve are adressing not always the loudest or the most powerfull. Sometimes they adressing silent voices.

I think the journey we are on is a good one. True not always we gret what we write. And there are good Ideas.
But sometimes there is more to the point then what meets the eye. If you see it as journey, try to understand where CCP os comming from, where they see conserns, what they vision is (which is sometimes hard to understand), I see that we are on a good path.

If I compare the latest changes to the changes done before, they are so much better in ways. I think we all learn how to build this universe together. It is not a one way street.

But isn’t that what the OP is talking about? They published, the community reacted, they listened and adjusted.

That’s what the thread is about right?

Reaction was not the best when you take into account the feedback that was provided. Instead of picking the best idea and implementing, they only diminished the bad change. That is a difference between good development and bad development.

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What was the best idea? Can you link it for me, since my recollection is of huge rage until Elise Randolf posted a heap of sense in a r/eve thread and then people calmed down.

But CCP needed to make a change and listened to the feedback, then adjusted?

What else are they supposed to do and coming back to the OP, which opinion is the specific one they should listen too?

In this case, which one is the specific best idea they didn’t implement?


It is idea of removing bounties in null and replacing it with tags that should be looted and transported to hgh sec to sell.

Can you link it, where it’s been proposed and discussed by the community?

The OP indicated above that what he means is the what “most of the community” want. So can you link where most of the community are in favour of that idea and where it was suggested?

I never advised of what the most of community wants. Majority isnt always right. I advised only what would be the best for the game, when you have to act on different levels and have many risks in what you do, giving a single person ability in exchange for risk, but empowering masses, giving rise to potential multiplication of risk.

Fot that idea, it was discused only in few posts and CCP never replied to any post. Maybe they even did not see it.
And few other posts, but this one I have found with a quick search.

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I agree. However, it’s the topic of this thread and this current discussion demonstrates the difficulty of the whole thing for CCP.

One player comes in and says CCP should listen to what most of the community wants, another player says they should do what’s best for the game (which is as subjective as “most of the community”). A third player will come in and say they should do something different again.

Meanwhile, CCP have processes in place to consult with players (as useless as I personally think the CSM is), they listen to feedback from the community, they develop according to their roadmap which defines overall priorities for them and they look at the log data to see how changes impact the different areas.

They are on a hiding to nothing, since they can’t please everyone.

However, the topic of this thread is that they should listen to what the majority of players want, but there’s still no clear update from the OP what specifically would help CCP determine this.

That should not be the focus. Majority is not even using these features. Its a fraction of players that have ideas and would profit off of them. Others just pick up the game and play it, they seek different things in gameplay, one of them is how much you can exploit it in as little time as possible, without risk. Botters, AFKers and risk averse people should not be the focus, and in null for sure, so ideas should reflect what ccp wants (assuming they want what I wrote), not being a small attmpts at damage control that have no effect.

I agree. The OP might not though. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

And one more thing that would really make a lot of complaining go away is ability to turn on or off UI features, graphic and audio options. In UI its just that everyone have to use it, so there should be a ground for customizations.

If there is a problem, CCP will blame the players because it’s a “sandbox”.

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EVE stopped existing after 2007.

Hello ccp.

I would like to suggest something new for this game.

It needs wild animals or wild alinijenas as for example the KRAKEN in EVE.

I would like something of terror or fear in the game.

Thank you very much for your attention.


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How about a new NPC: a space faring critter that can get on board your ship and slip into your pod, then this brain sucking creature sucks out 1 million SP from your character. :brain: :confounded:

Imagine you have to eject yourself from the ship to escape the creature. Jaja :slight_smile:

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Lololol Tribbles Gone Wild.

I have this feeling like OP might have gotten through to CCP whereas all others have failed.

I, for one, am ready to bow down and follow my new incredibly vague and obvious overlord to the steps of CCP to see this happen.


oh i know the game is going a good path. eve evolved so much in good yes there are still bad parts and issues that need to be resolved. but honestly the game isnt in bad shape. its in an era where people who first played it are becoming to quit not because they dont like the game but because life. thats why the numbers of players are lower than it used to be. it what it is. but it can get better. yes sometimes is really hard to the vision ccp has with this game. what i meant is that eve already had old problems (one in question is sov but i m not ganna get into that) yet they try to bring new stuff which is good new stuff always good but new stuffs also have bugs which adds to more problems (they are minor but they are still annoying) so i think they should fix the big ones the ones that really makes the game stuck.

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