Dear CCP

You must be new here.


last i checked CCP barely even read the fourms, so you are wasteing you’re time writing this, ISD’s read the forums and usualy lock threads like these

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actually seems to be ccp did listen this time. so i think they are starting to learn so my post wasnt in vain altho i doubt they read this one up…

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They do this exact thing regularly. Your thread hasn’t changed anything. It’s just the normal approach of CCP to these types of changes.

Yet as usual, despite CCP listening to feedback, there is still a section of the community now bleating loudly about how the changes will destroy highsec.

So it still comes back to, what opinions exactly are CCP supposed to listen to, since that still isn’t outlined in this thread?

really? people complain in highsec? the only bad thing about that is that you are not making a lot of money and big mean corps or alliances that pick on the newbies and small corps which is not new thing but meh.

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Yeah really. CCP have a checkered history of responding to community feedback, but listening to the community and adjusting ideas isn’t something new. It happens regularly.

Yeah CCP may indeed listen to community feedback but they rarely ever pay any heed to the feedback. They usually just implement it anyway, complete with bugs, and in the process break other content that was working beforehand.

Basically CCP does what they want even after asking for feedback that explains why it isn’t good.

You know your post says, “nothing, nothing, nothing and your bad at your job CCP”.

While i can agree 100% that CCP sucks at game development, if you’re going to rant about it, how about at least letting us know which parts of the CCP suck-fest you dislike and why. This should be done in your OP not farther down someplace i didnt bother to read.

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